CCMEPPL 5 (Performance and Accountability in the Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program [CCMEP])
Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program Procedure Letter No. 5
August 20, 2018
TO: Directors, County Department of Job and Family Services Directors, Workforce Development Agency Directors Local Workforce Development Boards
FROM: Cynthia C. Dungey, Director
SUBJECT: Performance and Accountability in the Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program (CCMEP)

Ohio’s Comprehensive Case Management Employment Program (CCMEP) provides hands-on case management expertise coupled with tailored service delivery in support of Ohio’s commitment and objective of expanding educational and employment opportunities for Ohio’s youth.


In support of CCMEP’s objectives, Lead Agencies were established, providing a structure of program governance and management as well as providing program transparency, accountability, and reporting. At its creation, Lead Agencies worked in conjunction with Ohio’s existing Workforce Development Boards (WDBs) and their county level constituents to determine CCMEP comprehensive performance measures and standards.

This collaboration led to the development of CCMEP’s seven primary performance measures. Six of the seven CCMEP primary performance measures are in direct alignment with the U.S. Department of Labor (USDOL) Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) performance measures. The singular performance measure unique to CCMEP is “Education, Training or Employment at Exit.” The seven primary performance measures, standards and definitions are detailed in this document.

1)      What are the CCMEP performance measures?

CCMEP accountability will be tied to outcome measures tracked at the lead agency (county) level. There are seven primary performance measures for each lead agency outlined in paragraph (A) of rule 5101:14-1-07 of the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) and detailed as follows:

(1)    Education, Training or Employment at exit - The percentage of program participants that are in unsubsidized employment, education, or training activities during quarter of exit.

(2)    Education, Training or Employment 2nd quarter after exit - The percentage of program participants that are in unsubsidized employment, education or training activities during the second quarter after exit.

(3)    Education, Training or Employment 4th quarter after exit - The percentage of program participants that are in unsubsidized employment, education or training activities during the fourth quarter after exit.

(4)    Credential attainment rate - The percentage of program participants that were in an education or training program while enrolled in CCMEP who obtain a recognized post-secondary credential, or a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent during participation in or within one year after exit from CCMEP. A program participant who attained a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent can only be considered a positive outcome for this measure if the program participant is also employed or is enrolled in an education or training program leading to a recognized postsecondary credential within one year after exit from the program.

(5)    Median earnings 2nd quarter after exit - The median earnings of program participants who are in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit.

(6)    Effectiveness in serving employers - (i.e., job retention and repeat business customer) Job retention is the percentage of program participants who were in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit who are employed with the same employer during the fourth quarter after exit. Repeat business customer means the percentage of business establishments that received a service in the program year and that utilized a service anytime within the previous three years.

(7)    Measurable skill gains - The percentage of program participants who, during a program year, are in an education or training program that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential or employment and who are achieving measurable skill gains toward such a credential or employment. Gains will be based on attainment of one of the following: 1) gain in at least one educational functioning level; 2) secondary/post-secondary transcript/report card showing that the participant is achieving the state unit’s policies for academic standards; 3) satisfactory or better progress report towards established milestones from the employer/training provider who is providing training; 4) successful completion of an exam that is required for a particular occupation, or 5) progress in attaining technical or occupational skills as evidenced by trade-related benchmarks such as knowledge-based exams.

2)      Which participants are included in the CCMEP performance measures?

Every program participant that signs an individual opportunity plan (IOP) and receives a CCMEP service on or after July 1, 2016, including any WIOA youth served prior to July 1, 2016 that transitioned to CCMEP, are CCMEP participants and subject to CCMEP primary performance measures.

3)      When is performance evaluated?

Performance periods are established by program year, starting July 1st and ending June 30th. CCMEP initial performance measures and reporting began on July 1, 2016 (Program Year 2016).

Measures will be evaluated at different time periods based on the definition (e.g., education, training, or employment in the second quarter after exit compared to education, training, or employment in the fourth quarter after exit). Additional time is needed to ensure data becomes available for certain measures (i.e., most primary performance measures use wage record data which requires a two-quarter delay to become available). As such, education, training or employment at exit will be evaluated one (1) quarter after the participant exits the program; education, training or employment 2nd quarter after exit and median earnings will be evaluated four (4) quarters after the participant exits; education, training or employment 4th quarter after exit, credential attainment rate, and effectiveness in serving employers (as measured by job retention) will be evaluated six (6) quarters after the participant exits; and measurable skill gains and effectiveness in serving employers (as measured by repeat business customer) will be evaluated on June 30th of each program year. (Refer to the Performance Measure Cohorts table on the performance website:

CCMEP performance reports are issued quarterly and annually. Reports are shared with the local workforce development boards and CCMEP lead agencies. Reports will provide an outcome scorecard for the seven (7) primary CCMEP performance measures. These reports are accessible on the program performance website: (

4)      What are the performance standards the lead agency must meet in the administration of CCMEP?

A standard is defined as a level or target to meet; this standard will be in the form of a percentage rate for all primary performance measures except number 5 (Median earnings 2nd quarter after exit), which will be in the form of a dollar amount.

Each lead agency’s CCMEP performance standards will be established biennially with the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS). Local workforce development boards will negotiate the CCMEP standards in partnership with lead agencies to ensure that the CCMEP standard does not negatively impact the local area's ability to meet or exceed WIOA youth negotiated measures. Paragraph (B) of OAC 5101:14-1-07.

5)      What constitutes performance success or failure?

In the interest of consistency, CCMEP performance success or failure will mirror Ohio's methodology for calculating the success or failure in meeting WIOA's primary performance measures. Performance reports are published quarterly and annually. Reports provide a computation of the percentage of lead agency participants who constitute the measure’s cohort, along with the Lead Agency’s performance outcome: Exceeds, Meets or Fails. Although performance reports are published quarterly, only the results in the annual report will count in determining lead agency success or failure.

CCMEP performance will be evaluated for each individual primary performance measure relative to the lead agency's performance standard, using the Exceeds, Meets, and Fails criteria defined below.

Achieving a 'Meets' or 'Exceeds' on all individual measures constitutes lead agency success. Obtaining a 'Fails' on any individual measure constitutes lead agency failure.


  • Exceeds - when the actual Lead Agency performance achieved against an individual performance measure is in excess of 105 percent of the performance standard for the measure.
  • Meets - when the actual Lead Agency performance achieved against an individual performance measure falls in the range of 90 to 105 percent of the performance standard for the measure.
  • Fails - when the actual Lead Agency performance achieved against an individual performance measure is less than 90 percent of the performance standard.

Example: Evaluating Employment 2nd Quarter after Exit with a standard of 70.0 percent:

Standard 70.0%
Exceeds Greater than 73.5%
Meets Between 63.0% and 73.5%
Fails Below 63.0%

An example of "Exceeds" for this measure is when the Lead Agency outcome is greater than 105 percent of the standard (i.e., greater than 73.5 percent); satisfying the requirement for 'Exceeds.'

Employment 2nd Quarter after Exit Actual Performance
Lead Agency XX 74.1%

An example of "Meets" for this measure is when the Lead Agency outcome is between 90 and 105 percent of the standard (i.e., between 63.0 and 73.5 percent); satisfying the requirement for 'Meets.'

Employment 2nd Quarter after Exit Actual Performance
Lead Agency XX 72.0%

An example of "Fails" for this measure is when the Lead Agency outcome is less than 90 percent of the standard (i.e., below 63.0 percent); satisfying the condition for 'Fails.'

Employment 2nd Quarter after Exit Actual Performance
Lead Agency XX 60.0%

6)      What are the consequences of failing to meet the performance measures set forth in rule 5101:14-1-07 of the OAC?

In the event of a performance failure, the lead agency will be required to submit and be held to a corrective action plan as described in rule 5101:14-1-07 of the Ohio Administrative Code. Please see the schedule for the implementation of consequences below:


  • PY 2018 (July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2019): For the 3rd year of the CCMEP program, lead agencies will continue to be expected to collect and report data relevant to all performance measures. Lead agencies will receive quarterly reports and an annual calculated performance outcome. In the event of a performance failure, the lead agency will be required to submit and be held to a corrective action plan.
  • PY 2019 (July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020) and beyond: For the 4th year of the CCMEP program and beyond, lead agencies will continue to be expected to collect and report data relevant to all performance measures. Lead agencies will receive quarterly reports and an annual calculated performance outcome. In the event of a performance failure, the lead agency will be subject to corrective action, which may include financial penalty.

Beginning in PY2019 when a lead agency does not comply with a corrective action plan, ODJFS may perform, or contract with a government or private entity for that organization to perform, the family services duty and the workforce development activity until ODJFS is confident that the responsible lead agency can perform the duty satisfactorily. If ODJFS performs or contracts with an entity to perform a family services duty under division (C)(5) of section 5101.24 of the Revised Code and workforce development activity under division (C)(4) of section 5101.241 of the Revised Code, ODJFS may do either or both of the following:

a)      Spend funds in the county treasury appropriated by the board of county commissioners for the duty.

b)      Withhold funds allocated or reimbursements due to the responsible lead agency for the duty and spend the funds for the duty.

7)      What is the system of record for CCMEP?

Lead agencies are required to utilize Ohio’s Workforce Case Management System (OWCMS) for the administration and case management of CCMEP as cited in rule 5101:14-1-02 of the OAC.

Consult the performance desk aid for details on how to enter performance data in Ohio’s Workforce Case Management System (OWCMS) on the performance website: