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CCMEPPL 10 (Rescission of JFS 03003 and 03006; Use of JFS 03008, 03010 and 03011)
Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program Procedure Letter No. 10
October 26, 2023
TO: Directors, County Department of Job and Family Services Directors, Local Workforce Development Boards
FROM: Matt Damschroder, Director, Ohio Department of Job and Family Services
SUBJECT: Rescission of JFS 03003 and 03006; Use of JFS 03008, 03010 and 03011


At CCMEP’s inception, the JFS 03003 assessment was used and then a shorter version (JFS 03006) was added later for high school students. These assessments were part of Ohio’s workforce case management system (OWCMS). Based on feedback from local stakeholders, a new science-based assessment, JFS 03008, was created to reduce the potential for re-traumatization of participants and to help establish more trusting relationships between career coaches and participants. The new assessment aligns with CCMEP’s coaching case management model and is available in Ohio’s new workforce case management system, ARIES.

Rescission of JFS forms 03003 and 03006; Use of JFS form 03008

This procedure letter rescinds JFS forms 03003 (CCMEP Comprehensive Assessment) and 03006 (CCMEP Comprehensive Assessment – Secondary School) which is replaced with JFS Form 03008 (Goal4 It! Stepping Stones to Success). JFS form 03008 is the required assessment for CCMEP regardless of participant situation (e.g., school status). JFS 03008 must be completed upon program entry as set forth in rule. This form may also be used to track participant progress at a time interval to be determined by the local area/career coach.

JFS 03010 and JFS 03011

The JFS forms 03010 (CCMEP Participant Release Request) and 03011 (CCMEP Parental Release Request) are required to be used as a CCMEP release for assessments, Individual Opportunity Plans, photo releases, and to acknowledge receipt of the WIOA Complaint Rights form, JFS 08063. These release requests (JFS 03010, and where needed JFS 03011) are also available in ARIES.

Please note that information must be entered in Ohio's workforce case management system (currently ARIES) within thirty (30) days of occurrence under Ohio Administrative Code rule 5101:14-1-04.