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CCMEPPL 1 (CCMEP Intermediate Performance Measures)
Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program Procedure Letter No. 1
June 10, 2016
TO: Directors, County Department of Job and Family Services Directors, Workforce Development Agencies Directors, Local Workforce Development Boards
FROM: Cynthia C. Dungey, Director
SUBJECT: Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program (CCMEP) Intermediate Performance Measures

A key feature of CCMEP is strengthened accountability through establishment of common performance goals overseen by a single lead agency. CCMEP's effectiveness will be measured by improved employment and education outcomes for TANF and WIOA youth ages 16 to 24 served by the program. By focusing on outcomes, CCMEP supports individualized, person-centered activities and supports.

Primary measures for CCMEP are outlined in rule 1 and largely mirror those prescribed in WIOA for the youth program. These include job entry, youth placement, credential attainment, median earnings and job retention.

This memo transmits information about intermediate measures for CCMEP. Intermediate measures are employment and credential-focused and capture impacts of services while participants are in the program. Intermediate measures fall into three categories: 1) those with performance standards; 2) those without standards that provide demographic data and information about who is served by the program; and 3) evaluative measures without standards.

1)Intermediate Measures with a Standard: A standard is defined as a level or target to meet; intermediate measures with a standard will be in the form of a percentage rate. The consequences for failing to meet one or more of the following intermediate measure's performance standard may result in the requirement of a continuous improvement plan. Data for the following measures will be collected in the first two years to establish a baseline and performance will be measured against the standards beginning PY 2018. At that time CCMEP Lead Agency intermediate performance standards will be established in concert with the CCMEP primary performance standards as outlined in Rule 5101:14-1-07(B). (Note: PY 2016 and PY 2017 will have no established standard.)

A.Measureable Skills Gain: The percentage of program participants who, during a program year, are in an education or training program that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential or employment and who are achieving measurable skill gains toward such a credential or employment. Gains will be based on attainment of one of the following: 1) gain in at least one educational functioning level; 2) secondary/post-secondary transcript/report card showing that the participant is achieving the state unit's policies for academic standards; 3) satisfactory or better progress report towards established milestones from the employer/training provider who is providing training; or 4) successful completion of an exam that is required for a particular occupation, or progress in attaining technical or occupational skills as evidenced by trade-related benchmarks such as knowledge-based exams.

B.Job Placement: The percentage of program participants placed in new unsubsidized employment during program participation (i.e., on or prior to the date of program exit).

2)Intermediate Measures and Data Elements without Standards: There are no established standards or consequences tied to the following measures. They will be reported in the interest of comparative transparency and program evaluation.

A.Participant Counts: The total number of participants enrolled in the CCMEP during the program year.

i.Participant Characteristics:

  • Breakout of program participants: age at the time of the program year
  • Breakout of program participants: education status at the time of program enrollment (i.e., in-school or out-of-school)
  • Breakout of program participants: education level at program enrollment
  • The percentage of program participants with a disability
  • The percentage of program participants who are pregnant or parenting
  • The percentage of program participants who lack transportation

ii.Program Characteristics:

  • The percentage of program participants receiving intensive services
  • (Note: this measure will not be available until CCMEP updates are made to OWCMS expected January 2017)
  • The percentage of program participants receiving training

B.Program Exiters: The total number of participants who exit from the CCMEP program during the program year.

i.Exit Measures:

  • Exit Rate: The total number of CCMEP program exiters during the program year divided by the total number of CCMEP program participants enrolled during the program year.
  • Positive Exit Rate: The percentage of program participants who exited the program for one of the following reasons: 1) has successfully entered post-secondary education, military enlistment or deployment, and/or unsubsidized employment and no longer needs CCMEP services; or 2) has been awarded social security disability insurance (SSDI) or supplemental security income (SSI) by the social security administration and has made application for services with opportunities for Ohioans with disabilities.
  • Primary Performance Measure Exclusion Rate: The percentage of program participants who exit the program during the program year and are excluded from the primary performance measures due to one of the reasons stated in CCMEP Rule 5101:14-1-07 (D).

3)Evaluative Measures without Standards: There are no established standards or consequences tied to the following measures. They will be reported in the interest of comparative transparency and program evaluation.

A.Customer feedback: Evaluation of customer experience by randomized survey.

(Note: This measure will not be available until updates are made to and a significant number of program exiters have completed the survey - estimated to begin in PY 2017).

B.Increase in Earnings: The percentage of program participants who were in unsubsidized employment during the second quarter after exit who during the fourth quarter after exit experienced an increase in earnings.