CCMEPMTL 3 (Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program [CCMEP])
Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program Manual Transmittal Letter No. 3
September 22, 2017
TO: All Human Services Innovation Manual Holders Local Elected Officials Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Local Workforce Development Boards Fiscal Agents OhioMeansJobs Center Operators
FROM: Cynthia C. Dungey, Director
SUBJECT: Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program (CCMEP)


This letter transmits rules and forms governing the Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program (CCMEP) that will be effective October 1, 2017. The rules and forms have been subject to a review by the Joint Committee on Agency Rule Review (JCARR).


On June 30, 2017, Governor Kasich signed House Bill 49 into permanent law which codified CCMEP. This program helps 14 to 24-year-olds find a new way to work. Rules and forms were simplified and streamlined to allow more time and flexibility for person-centered case management, which is vital to success of program participants in CCMEP.

Overview of Revisions

5101:14-1-01"Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program: Definitions."

This rule describes definitions for CCMEP. The Office of Workforce Development (OWD) amended this rule with additional definitions based on permanent law, “co-location” was stricken from paragraph (E) and replaced with “coordination” in paragraph (G), enrollment was defined in paragraph (I), and other minor language changes for clarity.

5101:14-1-02"Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program: General."

This rule describes the individuals that participate in CCMEP, funding and administration, lead agency requirements, and the fourteen services available. OWD rescinded and replaced this rule with a new rule as more than 50 percent of the original language has been stricken. This rule was updated with the following changes:


  • Minor language changes for clarity;
  • Paragraph (B) was updated to allow individuals age fourteen to twenty-four to participate in CCMEP and other language changes to align with permanent law;
  • Paragraph (C) was updated to describe how each local board can choose to authorize or not authorize the use of its youth workforce investment activity funds in CCMEP;
  • Paragraph (D) was updated to describe lead agency responsibilities and designation process based on permanent law and to describe consequences for failure to enroll an individual who is required to participate in CCMEP;
  • Language in paragraph (D), which described eligibility requirements and review process, has been moved to rule 5101:14-1-05 of the Administrative Code for clarity; and
  • Service definitions were updated in paragraph (E) to align with WIOA.

5101:14-1-03"Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program: Program Plan."

This rule describes the CCMEP program plan, what content must be included in the program plan, and instructions for submission of the program plan. OWD rescinded and replaced this rule with a new rule as more than 50 percent of the original language has been stricken. This rule was updated with the following changes:


  • Minor language changes for clarity;
  • Paragraph (B)(3) was updated to describe the CCMEP program plan process when a board of county commissioners redesignates the lead agency;
  • Paragraph (C)(4)(d) was updated to add language regarding Ohio Works First (OWF) information that must be communicated for clarity;
  • Paragraph (C)(5) was updated to clarify processes for a domestic violence individual;
  • Intensive case management requirements in paragraph (C)(8) were removed to simplify engagement requirements and lead agency local policies were clarified; and
  • Paragraph (C)(18) was updated to specify local policies that must be developed by the lead agency and local board for clarity.

5101:14-1-04"Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program: Referral, Comprehensive Assessment, Individual Service Strategy, and Individual Opportunity Plan."

This rule describes the referral, comprehensive assessment, individual service strategy, and individual opportunity plan (IOP) processes. OWD rescinded and replaced this rule with a new rule as more than 50 percent of the original language has been stricken. This rule was updated with the following changes:


  • Minor language changes for clarity;
  • Paragraph (A) was added to define referral for CCMEP;
  • Language in paragraph (B) was added from rule 5101:14-1-02 of the Administrative Code to this rule for clarity and was updated to specify a timeframe for completion of the JFS 03002 "WIOA Youth Program Eligibility Application";
  • Language in paragraph (D) was updated to specify when the Ohio workforce case management system (OWCMS) must be utilized and when the JFS 03003 "Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program (CCMEP) Comprehensive Assessment" and the JFS 03006 "Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program (CCMEP) Comprehensive Assessment - Secondary School" may be utilized;
  • Language that describes the IOP process in paragraphs (F) and (G) was added from rule 5101:14-1-05 of the Administrative Code for clarity; and
  • Paragraphs (H) and (I) were added to describe other requirements related to the comprehensive assessment and IOP based on permanent law and for clarity.

5101:14-1-05"Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program: Case Management."

This rule describes case management, activities, and activity hours for CCMEP. OWD rescinded and replaced this rule with a new rule as more than 50 percent of the original language has been stricken. This rule was updated with the following changes:


  • Minor language changes for clarity;
  • Paragraphs (A) and (B) have been moved to rule 5101:14-1-04 of the Administrative Code;
  • Paragraph (A) was added to describe case management, semi-annual review process for funding eligibility, and documentation requirements;
  • Paragraph (D), which described intensive case management, was removed to simplify and increase flexibility for person-centered case management;
  • Paragraph (C) was updated to describe the standard of twenty activity hours per week and circumstances when the standard may be less than twenty hours per week;
  • Paragraph (E) was updated to state that good cause applies solely for OWF sanction purposes and clarified timeframes for when the comprehensive assessment and IOP must be completed and inputted into OWCMS; and
  • Paragraph (H) was removed because good cause will only be documented by the lead agency for OWF sanction purposes.

5101:14-1-06"Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program: Program Exit and Follow-Up Services."

This rule describes program exit and follow-up services for CCMEP. OWD rescinded and replaced this rule with a new rule as more than 50 percent of the original language has been stricken. This rule was updated with the following changes:


  • Minor language changes for clarity;
  • Added language to paragraph (A) to clarify exiting an OWF mandatory participant from CCMEP and align with permanent law;
  • Added language in paragraphs (A)(3) and (B)(1) to state that a program participant exits CCMEP when the individual has not engaged in CCMEP services on at least five occasions without explanation;
  • Added paragraph (A)(4) and language in paragraph (E) to describe exiting in regards to funding eligibility and availability;
  • Paragraph (B)(4) was added to state that the lead agency must comply with rule 5101:6-10-01 of the Administrative Code; and
  • Language in paragraph (D) was updated to align with WIOA.

5101:14-1-07"Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program: Primary Performance Measures."

This rule describes the primary performance measures for CCMEP. OWD rescinded and replaced this rule with a new rule as more than 50 percent of the original language has been stricken. This rule was updated with the following changes:


  • Minor language changes for clarity;
  • Paragraphs (A)(1) and (A)(2) were removed for clarity;
  • Added new paragraphs (A)(1) and (A)(7) which describe primary performance measures to align with WIOA;
  • Updated paragraph (B) to remove "annual" and replace with "biennial" to align with WIOA;
  • Removed paragraph (B)(3) as intermediate measures were added to primary performance measures in paragraph (A) of this rule;
  • Paragraph (C) was updated to specify consequences for failing to meet a performance standard in accordance with sections 5101.24 and 5101.241 of the Revised Code;
  • Paragraph (D)(3) was removed regarding program participants caring for a disabled family member to align with WIOA; and
  • Paragraph (D)(4) was added regarding foster care program participants to align with WIOA.

JFS 03001"Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program Plan"

This form describes the program requirements and allows lead agencies to communicate details on their local program implementation of CCMEP to OWD. This form was updated for simplification and streamlined for clarity and per stakeholder request. This form was also updated to align with rule changes in rule 5101:14-1-03 of the Administrative Code.

JFS 03002"WIOA Youth Program Eligibility Application"

This form assists lead agencies in determining eligibility for WIOA Youth funded-services and for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families funded-services through CCMEP. This form was updated for simplification and clarity. This form was also updated to align with rule, current poverty guidelines, and OWCMS.

JFS 03003"Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program Comprehensive Assessment"

This form assists lead agencies in assessing individuals to identify barriers, strengths and CCMEP services needed. This form was updated for minor language changes and clarity. A question that asks the current grade level of the individual was added for clarity.

JFS 03004"Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program Individual Opportunity Plan"

This form describes the goals, strengths, barriers, and activity details for an individual’s IOP for CCMEP. It also serves as a contract for self-sufficiency for OWF. This form was updated to align with rule and minor language changes were made for clarity.

JFS 03006"Comprehensive Case Management and Employment Program Comprehensive Assessment – Secondary School"

This form assists lead agencies in assessing individuals attending secondary school to identify barriers, strengths and CCMEP services needed. This form was updated for minor language changes and clarity. A question that asks the current grade level of the individual was added for clarity.