FAPMTL 351 ("ProtectOhio" Funding)
Fiscal Administrative Procedure Manual Transmittal Letter No. 351
July 1, 2016
TO: Fiscal Administrative Procedure Manual Holders
FROM: Cynthia C. Dungey, Director
SUBJECT: "ProtectOhio" Funding

As a result of a five year rule review the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) has amended Administrative Code rule 5101:9-6-25 "ProtectOhio" funding. The ProtectOhio waiver ended September 30, 2015. ODJFS received a waiver extension that ends September 30, 2016. Once ODJFS receives another waiver, this rule will be revised to reflect changes in the federal terms and conditions.

Please direct inquiries to your ODJFS Fiscal Supervisors/Bureau of County Finance and Technical Assistance at (614) 752-9194.


Chapter 65101:9‑6‑25 (effective 12/13/2011)5101:9‑6‑25 (effective 7/7/2016)