FAPMTL 302 (Child Care Funding Allocations)
Fiscal Administrative Procedure Manual Transmittal Letter No. 302
September 10, 2014
TO: Fiscal Administrative Procedure Manual Holders
FROM: Cynthia C. Dungey, Director
SUBJECT: Child Care Funding Allocations

As the result of five year rule review and to provide the most current funding practices, ODJFS is rescinding and replacing rules 5101:9-6-11 "Child Care Non-Administration Funding Allocation" and 5101:9-6-11.2 "Child Care Administration Allocation." Changes include:

  • A clarification for post allocation adjustments; and
  • An update to the methodology to reflect the current statistics available.
  • In order to remain consistent with current U.S. Census Bureau data, the total county population of children has changed to "from birth to fourteen" instead of from birth to thirteen.
  • As a result of the above change, the statistic for each county's number of TANF children has been changed to "from birth to fourteen" instead of from birth to thirteen.

In addition, rule 5101:9-6-11.3 "Child Care Quality Allocation" is being rescinded as it is no longer an operating allocation. A CDJFS may claim these expenditures against the Child Care Non-Administration Funding Allocation.

Please direct inquiries to your ODJFS Fiscal Supervisor or Bureau of County Finance and Technical Assistance at (614) 752-9194.


Chapter 65101:9‑6‑11 (effective 7/19/2012)5101:9‑6‑11 (effective 9/12/2014)
Chapter 65101:9‑6‑11.2 (effective 9/3/12)5101:9‑6‑11.2 (effective 9/12/2014)
Chapter 65101:9‑6‑11.3 (effective 12/30/09)N/A