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APMTL 330 (Title IV-E Foster Care Maintenance Agreements)
Administrative Procedure Manual Transmittal Letter No. 330
April 26, 2006
TO: Administrative Procedure Manual Holders County Departments of Job and Family Services' Directors
FROM: Barbara E. Riley, Director
SUBJECT: Title IV-E Foster Care Maintenance Agreements

This transmittal letter proposes new Administrative Code rule 5101:9-7-08 "Title IV-E Foster Care Maintenance (FCM) Agreements Between the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services and County Juvenile Courts." This rule was developed as a result of an ongoing effort to update and convert all of the current sections of the existing Administrative Procedure Manual to the rule format. Upon final filing, rule 5101:9-7-08 will replace former sections 7400 - 7423 of the Administrative Procedure Manual.

Please direct inquiries to your Fiscal Supervisor.