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APMTL 304 (Title XX Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Transfer Allocation)
Administrative Procedure Manual Transmittal Letter No. 304
August 12, 2005
TO: Administrative Procedure Manual Holders
FROM: Barbara E. Riley, Director
SUBJECT: Title XX Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Transfer Allocation

The Title XX TANF Transfer allocation funds only programs and services to children and/or their families whose income is less than 200 per cent of the federal poverty level (FPL).

Methods for documenting and reporting expenditures to confirm that spending of TANF funds is in compliance with HR 3734 'Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996' (PRWORA) Section 404 (d) (3) (B) for the income eligibility have resulted in updated definitions of Social Services Random Moment Sample (RMS) 800 codes, new codes, new CORe mappings, updated SS RMS Certification sheet, and updated Social Services RMS and Income Maintenance RMS forms.

Transfers of non-allocated costs to the Title XX TANF Transfer funds will be allocated based upon the county's IV-E combined eligibility ratio and supplement the current options of Title XX Base allocation, Title IV-B, ESSA Preservation Direct Services, ESSA Reunification Direct Services, State Child Protective Allocation (SCPA), Local, and TANF.

If you have any questions regarding this allocation as defined in rule 5101:9-6-12.1 of the Administrative Code, please contact your fiscal supervisor or Don Foster, Section Chief, County Finance, at (614) 752-9194.