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APMTL 259 (Random Moment Sample Time Studies Instructions Update)
Administrative Procedure Manual Transmittal Letter No. 259
September 23, 2003
TO: Administrative Procedure Manual Holders County Departments of Job and Family Services' Directors
FROM: Thomas J. Hayes, Director
SUBJECT: Random Moment Sample Time Studies Instructions Update

The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) has updated a portion of Chapter 7000 of the Administrative Procedure Manual (APM). The updated information contains administrative procedures for the Random Moment Sample (RMS) Time Studies.

This update includes changes to the language explaining the RMS procedure. The changes clarify how to administer the time study. There will be no financial impact or training requirements for counties as a result of this policy.

Please direct inquiries to your Fiscal Supervisor or by calling the Bureau of County Finance and Technical Assistance at (614) 752-9194.

(Updates to Chapter 7000 include sections: APM.7931., APM.7932., APM.7933., APM.7934., APM.7935., APM.7935.1., APM.7936., APM.7938., APM.7939., APM.7940., APM.7941., APM.7942.)