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APMTL 220 (SUBJ:Changes in the ODHS 2830 Grants and Training Center Billings Side Schedule)
Administrative Procedure Manual Transmittal Letter No. 220
August 3, 2000
TO: All Administrative Procedure Manual Holders
FROM: Jacqueline Romer-Sensky, Director, ODHS
SUBJECT: SUBJ:Changes in the ODHS 2830 Grants and Training Center Billings Side Schedule

Effective July 15, 2000, changes in the reporting for Grants and Training Center Billings Side Schedule eliminate the use of the ODHS 2830 " Grants and Training Center Billings Side Schedule" for county departments of human services (CDHS) and public children services agencies (PCSA)

CDHS will use the ODHS 2827 "Monthly Financial Statement" for reporting the amount of administrative costs received from grantors for income maintenance or social services federal grants and for Adult Services Regional Training Centers. PCSAs will use the ODHS 2820 "Children Services Monthly Financial Statement" in reporting the amount of administrative costs received from the CDHS for contracted Title XX activity.

Questions regarding these changes should be directed to the local Account Manager or the Bureau of County Finance and Technical Assistance at (614) 752-9194.