Pursuant to the Multiethnic Placement Act Corrective Action and Resolution Plan (CARP), Section III(E), the public children services agencies (PCSAs) and private child placing agencies (PCPAs) must submit the following aggregate data to the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS):
Aggregate Data on Children
1.Matches accepted by the family (Calendar Years 2004-2008) - The number of adoptive matches made for children in the agency's permanent custody each year from calendar years 2004-2008 that are accepted by the family to whom the child was presented for adoptive placement. Accepted by the family is indicated by a signed JFS 01654 "Adoptive Placement Agreement"; and,
2.Matches rejected by the family (Calendar Years 2004-2008) - The number of adoptive matches made for children in the agency's permanent custody each year from calendar years 2004-2008 that are rejected by the family, meaning that the agency matched the child with the family and presented the child to the family for adoptive placement and the family then rejected the placement as indicated by the failure to sign a JFS 01654 "Adoptive Placement Agreement". For example, this count of rejection by the family includes matches where the family and child began pre-placement visits but the family decided not to accept the child.
The data shall include all children whose background information was presented for adoptive placement to a family, be they foster to adopt or adoption only. The count for acceptance begins when the adoptive placement agreement is signed. Any verbal refusal that results in the adoptive placement agreement not being signed counts as a rejection and should be clearly documented. A placement disruption or dissolution is not counted as a rejection. However, for a child whose placement disrupts or dissolves and who is then presented to a subsequent family for placement, the outcome of that subsequent family's decision would be counted for acceptance or rejection.
When available, the JFS 01609 "Family Permanency Planning Data Summary" and JFS 01610 "Child Permanency Planning Data Summary" may be used to collect this information. However, the effective date of the rules requiring the completion of the JFS 01609 and JFS 01610 was February 1, 2005 so the source of the information may be different for cases prior to February 1, 2005. In the future, the JFS 01609 and JFS 01610 will be in SACWIS and have a calculation function that agencies may find helpful. While it was not a requirement to document any of the above information on the JFS 01689, some agencies may have done so on their own initiative and hence it would be a source of information.
The aggregate data for children for calendar years 2004 and 2005 must be compiled to the extent that the agency has available data. The 2004 and 2005 data must be submitted by October 1, 2006 to Rhonda Abban, Chief, Adoption Services Section, 255 E. Main Street, 3rd Floor, Columbus, Ohio 43215. The aggregate data for calendar year 2006 must be submitted to ODJFS by May 1, 2007. The data for calendar years 2007 and 2008 will be due on May 1, 2008 and May 1, 2009 respectively.
Any data submitted prior to the effective date of this letter and not in accordance with the guidelines contained herein must be resubmitted.
The agency will be required to complete the JFS 01640 "Multiethnic Placement Act Corrective Action and Resolution Plan Data Collection Requirements" (7/2006) to document the information requested. For questions about this Procedure Letter, please contact the Office for Children and Families' Help Desk at HELP-DESK-OCF@odjfs.state.oh.us.
The following chart depicts what materials should be deleted from the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM) and what materials are to be inserted in the FCASM.
Forms | | JFS 01420 (Rev. 7/2006) |
Procedure Letters | | FCASPL No. 98 |