H.B. 332 becomes effective January 1, 2001. Among the provisions of the new law are new training requirements for foster caregivers. Family foster caregivers will be required to have twenty hours of annual training rather than the twelve hours currently required. Unfortunately, the law does not provide a "grace period" for individual foster caregivers to meet the increased training requirements. Therefore, ODJFS cannot recertify any foster caregiver whose certification is due for renewal after January 1, 2001 who does not have the twenty hours of annual training required unless "good cause" for failing to do so is established pursuant to ORC 5103.032(C).
ORC 5103.032(C) reads:
Each recommending agency shall establish and implement a policy regarding good cause for a foster caregiver's failure to complete the continuing training in accordance with division (A) of this section. If the foster caregiver complies with the policy, as determined by the agency, the department may renew the foster caregiver's foster home certificate. The agency shall submit the policy to the department and provide a copy to each foster home the agency recommends for certification or renewal. The policy shall include the following:
(1)What constitutes good cause, including documented illness, critical emergencies, and lack of accessible training programs;
(2)Procedures for developing a scheduled corrective action plan that provides for prompt completion of the continuing training;
(3)Procedures for recommending revocation of the foster home certificate if the foster caregiver fails to comply with the corrective action plan.
In addition to the good cause reasons listed in Section (C)(1) above, an agency may identify a change in state foster care training requirements as a good cause why a foster caregiver could not complete the required training in a timely manner.
In order to facilitate the transition to the new foster care training requirements of H.B. 332 with the least disruption, ODJFS urges agencies licensed to recommend foster homes for certification to develop policies conforming to the requirements of ORC 5103.032(C) as soon as possible and prior to the time that any individual foster caregivers are due for recertification. By adding a provision regarding changes in state foster care training requirements to the "good cause" policy, agencies may recommend recertification. ODJFS will then be able to approve the recertification, and affected foster caregivers will experience no interruption in their certification status.
Please contact your Licensing Specialist or the Children Services Licensing section at (614) 466-5392 if you need assistance.