On February 9, 2018 the bipartisan Family First Prevention Services
Act was signed into law. This legislation requires residential facilities to meet
the qualified residential treatment program (QRTP) requirements to receive Title
IV-E reimbursable maintenance payments. States had an option as to when this provision
would take effect. Ohio has delayed this implementation until October 1, 2021. After
October 1, 2021, any residential facility that does not meet the QRTP requirements
will not be eligible for Title IV-E funding.
QRTP Compliance Timeline
A residential facility that is certified by
the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) or the Ohio Department of
Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS) must meet the QRTP program requirements
as follows:
Program Certification
QRTP Compliance Deadline
New Programs: Certified on or
after October 1, 2020
Upon Certification
Current Programs: Certified
prior to October 1, 2020
October 1, 2024; however, programs will NOT be eligible
for Title IV-E funding after October 1, 2021 unless QRTP compliant
Compliance Support
ODJFS is providing a one-time
grant opportunity to assist agencies in obtaining and maintaining compliance with
the QRTP requirements. This funding will provide resources and supports needed to
meet QRTP requirements, as well as support implementation of best practices to enhance
agency programming and promote QRTP sustainability. Below is additional information
outlining eligible agencies, the amount of funding available, and the allowable
usage of funding for services and supports:
Eligible Population:
- Child-serving ODJFS & OhioMHAS agencies
(Children’s Residential Center, Group Home, Class 1 Residential, or Substance
Use Disorder (SUD)) certified or licensed prior to October 1, 2020.
Ineligible Population:
- Agencies involved with enforcement in their
residential program.
- Agencies not certified or licensed for the
residential function by October 1, 2020.
Amount Per Agency Size:
| # of Youth (combined total number of licensed child-serving beds across
all child-serving residential sites) |
1 to 20
21 to 60
Allowable Funding Uses:
Permitted uses of the funding include:
- Initial Accreditation of your residential
program(s) with COA, JCAHO or CARF
- Reaccreditation of your residential
program(s) with COA, JCAHO or CARF
Informed Care:
- Transportation to attend trainings to support
QRTP compliance (trauma-informed care, family engagement, etc.)
- Consultation or coaching to develop a
trauma-informed organizational culture throughout your agency
- Development and implementation of
state-sponsored or contracted training series with technical assistance
- Contract with an entity that could lead
trainings and work individually with agencies via e-mail and phone after the
trainings are provided, as needed
and Clinical:
- Costs incurred from developing an MOU or
agreement for nursing and clinical requirement
- Legal costs incurred from developing an MOU
or agreement for nursing and clinical requirement
- Consultation costs to develop a sustainable
approach to address the nursing and clinical QRTP requirements
Engagement Activities:
- Transportation costs for the family to
attend agency activities when possible (could be providing transportation with
an agency vehicle, mileage reimbursement or gas cards for the family, etc.)
- Funds to assist with technological support
to ensure skype or other video conferencing software is available
- Opportunity for a state-sponsored or
contracted training series with technical assistance
- Reevaluation or possible redesign of how
their program works, and staff responsibilities and training to ensure an
emphasis on family engagement, etc.
Planning and After-Care Supports:
- Additional staff duties to coordinate
aftercare supports
- Transportation costs to provide or
coordinate aftercare services
- Participation in SACWIS training
- Additional documentation requirements
- Additional Medicaid billing activities
Services and Supports as approved by ODJFS or OhioMHAS
Budget & Reconciliation
A budget must be provided prior to payment being authorized, and
reconciliation will be required for each payment received. Programs should retain
receipts, invoices and documentation for expenses. Reconciliation submission guidance
will be provided by the Ohio Child Care Resource and Referral Association (OCCRRA).
The menu of support application will open
on October 5, 2020. An application may be submitted through March 31, 2021, or until
funds are no longer available, whichever occurs first. Eligible facilities must
submit an application through OCCRRA’s dashboard at
The following chart depicts what materials should be deleted from
the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM) and what materials are to
be inserted in the FCASM.
FCASPL No. 358