To streamline the documentation that agencies are required to
provide to this office, this letter transmits the obsoletion of the JFS 01420
“Multiethnic Placement Act Corrective Action and Resolution Plan Data Collection
Requirements” and the JFS 01668 "Multiethnic Placement Act (MEPA) Biennial
Comprehensive Self-Assessment Report.” These changes are effective immediately.
Rather than complete the JFS 01420 and JFS 01668 every two years
as well as updating the foster care and adoption plan as needed, agencies will
no longer be required to submit the forms to the Ohio Department of Job and
Family Services. Instead, agencies will annually review and update their foster
and/or adoptive recruitment plan(s). A few minor adjustments will be made to
those plan requirements to ensure that MEPA compliance is sufficiently
addressed. The review and update shall be completed in the statewide automated
child welfare information system (SACWIS) by June 30 each year.
If your agency has access to SACWIS and the most recently
approved plan(s) is in the system, the plan review/update must be completed in
SACWIS by completing the following:
1. Copy the
current recruitment plan(s) in SACWIS by clicking the “copy” link next to the
2. Review the
Recruitment Plan Information and make any needed updates
3. Add a new
Effective Date of 07/01/2018 and then click on the Apply button
4. Review the
Recruitment Plan Details Topics and make any needed updates
5. When the
review and update is completed, click the Process Approval button and route to
your ODJFS licensing specialist or technical assistance specialist for approval
6. If no changes
were made to the contents of the plan, please indicate this in the Comments
field on the Process Approval screen
Private Agencies: If your agency foster and/or adoptive
recruitment plan(s) is not currently in the SACWIS system you will need to
enter the recruitment plan(s) into the system with an effective date of
07/01/2018, then follow steps 5 and 6 above.
This guidance will result in amendments to the following rules:
- 5101:2-33-11 Multiethnic Placement Act (MEPA)
Agency Administrative Requirements;
- 5101:2-5-13 Required Agency Policies, Plans and
- 5101:2-48-05 Agency Adoption Policy and Recruitment
- 5101:2-48-13 Non-Discrimination Requirements for
Adoptive Placements.
The following chart identifies what materials should be removed
from the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM) and inserted into
the (FCASM).
JFS 01668 (Rev. 8/2017)
JFS 01420 (Rev. 1/2015)
Procedure Letters
FCASPL No. 325