This procedure letter (PL) transmits revisions to sixteen forms that are used for the purposes of adoption and adoption assistance. Pursuant to the United States Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell v. Hodges, Ohio must now license and recognize same-sex marriages. Consistent with this decision, the forms were updated to reflect the opportunity for all married couples to participate in the adoption process. The most common change in the forms was to change the terms 'adoptive mother' and 'adoptive father' to 'adoptive parent.' The following is a brief explanation of the revisions to the forms:
The JFS 01050 "Application for Post Adoption Special Services Subsidy" was revised to change the terms 'Adoptive Father' and 'Adoptive Mother' to 'Adoptive Parent.' All other changes were minor and in relation to formatting.
The JFS 01050-I "Instructions for Completing JFS 01050, Application for Post Adoption Special Services Subsidy" was revised to change the terms 'Adoptive Father' and 'Adoptive Mother' to 'Adoptive Parent.'
The JFS 01051 "Application for Additional Post Adoption Special Services Subsidy Funding for Extraordinary Circumstances" was revised to change the terms 'Adoptive Father' and 'Adoptive Mother' to 'Adoptive Parent.'
The JFS 01051-I "Instructions for Completing JFS 01051, Application for Additional Post Adoption Special Services Subsidy Funding for Extraordinary Circumstances" was revised to change the terms 'Adoptive Father' and 'Adoptive Mother' to 'Adoptive Parent.'
The JFS 01449 "Determination for Special Needs- Medical, Mental Health or Rehabilitation Care" was revised to change the terms 'Adoptive Father' and 'Adoptive Mother' to 'Adoptive Parent.'
The JFS 01615 "Approval for State Adoption Maintenance Subsidy" was revised to change the terms 'Adoptive Father' and 'Adoptive Mother' to 'Adoptive Parent.' The form was updated to agree with current rules and procedures.
The JFS 01615-I "Instructions for Completing JFS 01615 State Adoption Maintenance Subsidy Agreement" was revised to change the terms 'Adoptive Father' and 'Adoptive Mother' to 'Adoptive Parent.'
The JFS 01661 "Interstate Compact Placement Request (ICPC 100-A)" was revised to change the terms 'Mother' and 'Father' to 'Parent 1' and 'Parent 2.'
The JFS 01661-I "Instructions for Completing JFS 01661 Interstate Compact Placement Request (ICPC 100-A)" was revised to change the terms 'Mother' and 'Father' to 'Parent 1' and 'Parent 2.'
The JFS 01662 "Interstate Compact Report on Child's Placement Status (ICPC 100B)" was revised to change the terms 'Mother' and 'Father' to 'Parent 1' and 'Parent 2.'
The JFS 01663 "Sending State's Priority Home Study Request" was revised to change the terms 'Mother' and 'Father' to 'Parent 1' and 'Parent 2.'
The JFS 01667 "Adoption Information Disclosure" was revised to change the terms ''Adoptive Father' and 'Adoptive Mother' to 'Adoptive Parent.' Minor changes were also made to update the form to current rules and procedures.
The JFS 01679 "Request for Notification" was revised to change the terms ''Adoptive Father' and 'Adoptive Mother' to 'Adoptive Parent.'
The JFS 01699 "Prefinalization Adoption Assessment Report" was revised to change the terms 'Adoptive Father' and 'Adoptive Mother' to 'Adoptive Parent' and the terms 'Birth Mother' and 'Birth Father' were changed to 'Birth/Legal parent.' The form was updated to agree with current rules and procedures, including a note to remind the reader that the assessor who completes the monthly post placement visits is the assessor required to complete the form, per Ohio Revised Code 3107.101.
The JFS 01987 "Child Fatality Report Face Sheet" was revised to change the terms 'Mother' and 'Father' to 'Parent 1' and 'Parent 2.' Formatting and language changes were made for the ease of the worker.
The JFS 01987-I "Instructions for Completing the JFS 01987 Child Fatality Report Face Sheet" was revised to change the terms 'Mother' and 'Father' to 'Parent 1' and 'Parent 2.'
FORMS | JFS 01050 (rev. 7/2011) | JFS 01050 (rev. 7/2016)
| JFS 01050-I (rev. 7/2011) | JFS 01050-I (rev. 7/2016)
| JFS 01051 (rev. 7/2013) | JFS 01051 (rev. 7/2016)
| JFS 01051-I (rev. 7/2013) | JFS 01051-I (rev. 7/2016)
| JFS 01449 (rev. 7/2004) | JFS 01449 (rev. 7/2016)
| JFS 01615 (rev. 4/2014) | JFS 01615 (rev. 7/2016)
| JFS 01615-I (rev. 4/2014) | JFS 01615-I (rev. 7/2016)
| JFS 01661 (rev. 6/2009) | JFS 01661 (rev. 7/2016)
| JFS 01661-I (rev. 6/2009) | JFS 01661-I (rev. 7/2016)
| JFS 01662 (rev. 6/2009) | JFS 01662 (rev. 7/2016)
| JFS 01663 (rev. 8/2006) | JFS 01663 (rev. 7/2016)
| JFS 01667 (rev. 9/2003) | JFS 01667 (rev. 7/2016)
| JFS 01679 "(rev. 6/2006) | JFS 01679 (rev. 7/2016)
| JFS 01699 (rev. 12/2006) | JFS 01699 (rev. 7/2016)
| JFS 01987 (rev. 10/2009) | JFS 01987 (rev. 7/2016)
| JFS 01987-I (rev. 10/2009) | JFS 01987-I (rev. 7/2016)