FCASPL 282-A (Revisions to Existing Foster Care and Adoption Forms)
Family, Children and Adult Services Procedure Letter No. 282-A
November 10, 2015
TO: Family, Children and Adult Services Manual Holders
FROM: Cynthia C. Dungey, Director
SUBJECT: Revisions to existing foster care and adoption forms

This letter transmits a revision to the original FCASPL 282 posted October 7, 2015 due to the change in revision date of the JFS 01680. Please refer to the revised chart at the end of this letter for the change.

This letter transmits revisions to thirteen forms that are used during the foster care and adoption homestudy process. The homestudy rules are being rescinded and issued as new in an effort to align the foster care and adoption homestudy processes. The following forms are being revised to assist in this process, and will be effective when the corresponding rules are effective. The following is a brief explanation of revisions to each of the forms:

  • The JFS 01318, "SACWIS Private Agency Provider Request" was revised to add a third applicant in those situations where there are more than two foster caregivers on a license, and to include a request for the authentication/transaction control number (TCN) from the bureau of criminal identification and investigation (BCII) for rapback purposes. Formatting changes were also made for clarity.
  • The JFS 01318I, "Instructions for Completing the JFS 01318, SACWIS Private Agency Provider Request" was revised to reflect the changes to the JFS 01318 and the requirements throughout Chapters 5101:2-5 and 5101:2-48. The instructions were also reformatted for clarity and ease of the reader.
  • The JFS 01331, "Notice of Expiration and Reapplication for a Foster Home Certificate or Adoption Homestudy Approval" was revised to emphasize the importance of the caregiver submitting the form timely so that the recertification or update is done prior to the expiration of the current span. Form was also revised to align with rule that states agencies may send the form to the caregivers from 90-150 days prior to expiration to begin the recertification process.
  • The JFS 01334, "Recommendation for Transfer of a Foster or Adoptive Home" was revised to add a third caregiver, in those situations where there are more than two foster parents on a license, and to include a request for the authentication/TCN from BCII for rapback purposes. A checkbox was added to the verifications section to ensure that references were received from adult children of the caregivers. There was also a statement of understanding added below the signature area notifying caregivers their signature indicates permission is granted for the receiving agency to access the provider's information in SACWIS.
  • The JFS 01348, "Safety Audit of a Family Foster Home, Also used for Adoption" was renamed "Safety Audit." It was revised to update rule language and rule citations, and to add safety requirements that are currently in rule, such as medications stored in locked containers and foster caregivers providing smoke free environments. A 'will obtain' option was added for cribs and carseats for younger children who may be placed in the home. Reasons for completing the form were also expanded, to include 'renovation', 'update', and 'other.'
  • The JFS 01385, "Assessment for Child Placement Update" was revised and reformatted to resemble more closely the JFS 01673. Section II regarding household members and sleeping arrangements was added, as well as Section X, regarding the usage of the home. This was done to more accurately capture the most current, basic information about a home. Narrative questions were revised and updated. Language regarding waivers and variances was revised to reflect current rule.
  • The JFS 01530, "Multiple Children/Large Family Assessment" was renamed "Large Family Assessment." Several questions were revised to be less 'child specific' as the adopted child will more than likely not be known at the time the large family assessment is completed. Direction is provided on the form that if the specific child to be adopted is unknown when the large family assessment is completed, to base answers on the characteristics the family is approved to adopt at the time of the homestudy.
  • The JFS 01673, "Assessment for Child Placement" was revised to flow more in the order of the JFS 1691 application. The requirement for social security numbers was removed. The section asking about criminal and DUI history was changed to document additional data. Options were added for families who 'will obtain' a crib when a younger child is placed with them. A narrative section was added to document references received from adult children of the caregivers. Narrative questions were revised and updated. The language in the supports section was revised to state that alternate caregivers can be listed there, if known and approved at the time of the homestudy. Language regarding waivers and variances was revised to reflect current rule. Assessment checklist was revised to include all requirements and reformatted for clarity.
  • The JFS 01673I, "Instructions for Completing JFS 01673, Assessment of Child Placement" was reformatted to align with the order of the newly revised JFS 01673 homestudy. Several questions were revised to offer more in-depth responses in the narrative sections. A section was added to provide instructions for obtaining references from adult children of the applicants.
  • The JFS 01680, "Verification of Assessor Qualifications" was revised for clarity and to reflect current rule. Additional spaces were added for ongoing training, as well as instruction to add additional copies of page 3 as necessary. Removed requirement to send in documentation with form verifying details about the assessor training that was taken.
  • The JFS 01691, "Application for Child Placement" was revised to reflect current rule changes, such as requesting information for any agency the applicant or adult household member has ever applied to for foster care or adoption, and contact information for adult children of the applicant. There was a prompt added to the first page asking if all members of the home have been Ohio residents the last five years. The section asking about criminal and DUI history was changed to request additional data. The section about experience was revised to request additional information. The statement of understanding at the end of the form was also revised to reflect current rule and practice.
  • The JFS 01692, "Application for Adoption of a Foster Child" was renamed "Application for Adoption of a Foster Child or Sibling Group" and was revised to allow only one form to be completed if foster parents are adopting a sibling group who have all been placed in the home for at least six months. The form was reformatted and questions updated to align with specific sections of the JFS 01691 and JFS 01673. The statement of understanding at the end of the form was also revised to reflect current rule and practice.
  • The JFS 01698, "Step-Parent Adoption Homestudy" was updated and reformatted in some sections for clarity and ease of the reader. Grammar and spelling errors were fixed, and some questions that were not related to the assessment were removed or revised.

INSTRUCTIONS: The following chart identifies the material that should be removed from the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM) and the material that should be added.

FORMSJFS 01318 (rev. 4/2009)JFS   01318 (rev.12/2014)
 JFS 01318I (rev. 4/2009)JFS   01318I (rev 12/2014)
 JFS 01331 (rev. 12/2006)JFS   01331 (rev. 12/2014)
 JFS 01334 (rev. 6/2009)JFS   01334 (rev. 12/2014)
 JFS 01348 (rev. 1/2003) JFS   01348 (rev. 12/2014)
 JFS 01385 (rev. 12/2006)JFS   01385 (rev. 12/2014)
 JFS 01530 (rev. 12/2006)JFS   01530 (rev. 12/2014)
 JFS 01673 (rev. 6/2011) JFS   01673 (rev. 12/2014)
 JFS 01673I (rev. 12/2006)JFS   01673I (rev. 12/2014)
 JFS 01680 (rev. 12/2014)JFS   01680 (rev. 10/2015)
 JFS 01691 (rev. 6/2009)JFS   01691 (rev. 12/2014)
 JFS 01692 (rev. 6/2009)JFS   01692 (rev. 12/2014)
 JFS 01698 (rev. 10/2006)JFS   01698 (rev. 12/2014)