FCASPL 263 (Rescission of ODMHAS Cost Report Requirement Rules)
Family, Children and Adult Services Procedure Letter No. 263
June 26, 2014
TO: Family, Children and Adult Services Manual Holders
FROM: Cynthia C. Dungey, Director
SUBJECT: Rescission of Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services Cost Report Requirement Rules

The Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services' (ODMHAS) cost report requirements as set forth in Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) rules 5122-26-19, 5122-26-19.1, 3793:2-1-09, and 3793:2-1-10 will be rescinded effective June 19, 2014, and will apply to the state fiscal year reporting period of July 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014 (SFY 2014).

For those agencies which report program costs to both Title IV-E and Medicaid (i.e., ODMHAS), the Title IV-E Single Cost Report Form JFS 02911 will continue to capture costs incurred under both programs in order to satisfy the requirements of Ohio Revised Code 5101.145. Form JFS 02911 will be modified to remove the Medicaid-related worksheets (e.g., Forms A-1 (047), A-2, A-3, and A-4). However, to ensure 100% reporting of an agency's total costs, a single line on the Total Agency Summary worksheet will be utilized to report an agency's ODMHAS aggregate Medicaid and non-Medicaid program costs. A subsequent procedure letter will be issued in late July 2014 regarding the specific modifications to Form JFS 02911.

Note: An agency which seeks to establish Title IV-E reimbursement ceilings for the effective period April 1, 2015, through March 31, 2016, must complete the filing requirements as outlined in OAC 5101:2-47-26.1 (cost report) and OAC 5101:2-47-26.2 (agreed-upon procedures) for SFY 2014.