This procedure letter is to inform Public Children Service Agencies (PCSA) that the JFS 04281 (Children Services Quarterly Statistical Report) shall be processed through the Statewide Automated Child Welfare Information System (SACWIS) for the data period April through June 2012 as used for the July through September 2012 Cost Quarter. Data must be entered in SACWIS for every child in custody regardless of the child's eligibility/reimbursability status in order to ensure accurate reporting. Instructions for generating the JFS 04281 "Children Services Quarterly Statistical Report" are in the SACWIS Knowledge Base.
Limited data entry is required on the 04281 "Children Services Quarterly Statistical Report" within SACWIS which shall be entered prior to the first day of the third calendar month following the data quarter (i.e.; Before, September 1, December 1, March 1 and June 1).Areas needing manual data entry are as follows:
Part Three: Title IV-E Foster Care Summary
Non-Title IV-E Children in Living Arrangements with Incomes less than 200% of Poverty Level:
1.Children in substitute care not eligible for Title IV-E FCM, but eligible for Title XX; and,
2.Children with subsidized adoption maintenance agreements who are not eligible for Title IV-E AA, but eligible for Title XX.
Part Four: Staff Count
1.Staff Count for Stand Alone Agencies
a.Identify the total number of staff employed by the agency.
b.Identify the total number of child welfare caseworker staff and their immediate supervisors employed by the agency.
2.Staff Count for Combined Agencies
a.Identify the total number of staff in the Social Services (SS) cost pool, and;
b.Identify the total number of child welfare caseworker staff and their immediate supervisors employed by the agency.
The JFS 04281 will no longer be accessible through the ODJFS Forms Central.
SACWIS will transfer data to CFIS WEB on a weekly basis until the close of the cost quarter. Although changes in data due to agency corrections will be identified the following day in SACWIS, all changes in data during a given week will be reflected in CFIS WEB the following week.
The JFS 04281 "Children Services Quarterly Statistical Report" for the April through June 2012 quarter may have minor errors that cannot be corrected by the PCSA. If, after review of your data, errors are identified which cannot be changed by the PCSA and the errors significantly impact your county's combined eligibility ratio, the PCSA shall submit a problem report via e-mail to SACWIS_HELP_DESK. The problem report must include the data corrections requested along with supporting documentation and must be submitted by close of business October 5th, 2012 to ensure correction by the close of the cost quarter. The SACWIS project will be completing a data fix to correct the reported data discrepancies.