This letter is to inform you that effective with the October to December 2011 data, the
JFS 04280 and JFS 04281 will be processed through Ohio Statewide Automated Child Welfare System (SACWIS) as 04280 Title IV-E Foster Care Statistical and Expenditure Report and 04281 Children Services Quarterly Statistical Report. ODJFS Forms
JFS 04281 and JFS 04280 will no longer be accessible through the ODJFS Forms Central.
04280 Instructions for generating the "Title IV-E Foster Care Expenditure Report" and 04281 generating the "Children Services Quarterly Statistical Report" will be in the SACWIS Knowledge Base.
Limited data entry is required on the 04281 "Children Services Quarterly Statistical Report" within SACWIS. Areas needing manual data entry are as follows:
Part Three: Title IV-E Foster Care Summary
Non-Title IV-E Children in Living Arrangements with Incomes less than 200% of Poverty Level:
1.Children in substitute care not eligible for Title IV-E FCM, but eligible for Title XX; and,
2.Children with subsidized adoption maintenance agreements who are not eligible for Title IV-E AA, but eligible for Title XX.
Part Four: Staff Count
1.Staff Count for Stand Alone Agencies
a.Identify the total number of staff employed by the agency.
b.Identify the total number of child welfare caseworker staff and their immediate supervisors employed by the agency.
2.Staff Count for Combined Agencies
a.Identify the total number of staff in the Social Services (SS) cost pool and
b.Identify the total number of child welfare caseworker staff and their immediate supervisors employed by the agency.
The following chart identifies what materials should be removed from the, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM).
FORMS | JFS 04280 (Rev. 2/2010) | |
| JFS 04280-I (Rev. 2/2010) | |
| JFS 04281 (Rev. 2/2010) | |
| JFS 04281-I (Rev. 2/2010) | |