FCASPL 214 (Alignment of Adoption and Foster Care Homestudies)
Family, Children and Adult Services Procedure Letter No. 214
April 25, 2011
TO: All Family, Children and Adult Services Manual Holders
FROM: Michael B. Colbert, Director
SUBJECT: Alignment of Adoption and Foster Care Homestudies

H.B. 7 of the 127th General Assembly required the alignment of adoption and foster care homestudy contents, time periods and processes. We have been made aware that agencies are having difficulty with the process of aligning the adoption homestudy and foster care recertification approval dates. This procedure letter is being issued to provide guidance on the alignment process.

In order to align the approval spans of the adoption homestudy and foster care recertification, the adoption homestudy may need to be updated prior to its expiration or shortly after an update. Adoption homestudy approval dates will always be aligned to the foster care recertification dates. An adoption homestudy shall not lapse in order to align it with the foster care recertification date. This may require two approvals to the adoption homestudy/update in a relatively short period of time. In the event an adoption homestudy has lapsed, a new homestudy shall be completed.

If an adoption homestudy is being updated in order to align it with the foster care recertification date and the last update occurred within the past year, the agency may use the same documentation previously submitted. This documentation shall include the most current JFS 01385 "Ohio Department of Job and Family Services Assessment for Child Placement Update" (the agency will need to update the signatures and approval/recommendation date) and the previous documents that were used to approve the most current homestudy or update:

1.The JFS 01653 "Medical Statement for Foster Care/Adoptive Applicant and All Household Members."

2.Reference from the professional.

3.A report of a physical, psychiatric, or psychological examination, if applicable.

4.Fire inspection, if applicable.

5.The JFS 01348 "Safety Audit of a Family Foster Home," if applicable.

6.The JFS 01681 "Applicant Financial Statement," if applicable.

7.A completed water test, if applicable.

Should an incident occur causing the approval spans to no longer be in alignment, the adoption homestudy shall be updated to coincide with the new foster care recertification span.

The foster care recertification approval span dates will be used as the approval span for the adoption homestudy. Written notification for each adoption homestudy approval span shall occur as required by OAC rule 5101:2-48-12.1(S).

If an adoption homestudy is being updated in order to align it with the foster care recertification approval date and the last update occurred more than one year ago, a new JFS 01385 shall be completed. In addition, new or updated documents as outlined in OAC rule 5101:2-48-12.1(K) shall be obtained and attached.

We realize that these can be time consuming processes for agencies to complete, however, the alignment of the approval spans will be beneficial and timesaving to both agencies and families in the future.

If you have additional questions please contact the OCF Help-desk at 866-886-3537 or via email at help-desk-ocf@jfs.ohio.gov.


The following chart depicts what materials should be deleted from the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM) and what materials are to be inserted in the FCASM.

Procedure Letters
FCASPL No. 214