The Multiple Payment Summary Report is produced on a quarterly basis. The Multiple Payment Summary Report provides a listing of any Title IV-E FCM payments which were made for a child through more than one payment system in a particular month. Information is collected from three payment sources: 1), Benefits Issuance, either the Client Registry Information System (CRIS) or the Family and Children Services Information System (FACSIS), 2) Title IV-E Auxiliary Payment Authorization (ODHS 1659), and 3) the Monthly FCM Facility Invoice system (ODHS 1925). On the report, the Benefits Issuance payment, either CRIS or FACSIS, is identified as data base-DB and the auxiliary payments are identified as AUX.
For each month in which more than one Title IV-E FCM payment was made for a particular child, the report lists the child's name, IV-E number, warrant date and number, voucher number, and the amounts and sources of payment. If your agency received payment for such cases during the quarter, a Title IV-E Multiple Payment Summary Report will be mailed to your agency at the beginning of the following quarter. The report should be reviewed as soon as possible after receipt to identify and repay any Title IV-E funds received in excess of actual expenditures.
There may be a valid reason that multiple payments were made in the same month for one child, such as an initial or an additional clothing payment authorized via an auxiliary in addition to the basic payment made through Benefits Issuance, or clothing and residential care payments were both authorized in the same month on the ODHS 1925. These types of multiple payments will be listed on the report, but no action by your agency is necessary for such cases.
However, some of the listed multiple payments may actually be duplicate payments for placement costs that were reimbursed through more than one of the payment systems. For example, a child placed in a family foster home was moved to a group home but the change in living arrangement was not processed on Benefits Issuance for two months. The agency billed and received payment for the group home costs incurred and also received the advance family foster home payment for these same two months through Benefits Issuance. In this case, an actual overpayment has occurred in the receipt of the family foster home advance payment and it is the agency's responsibility to repay that amount to the department.
Identified overpayments are to be repaid to the department using either the ODHS 1659 or the ODHS form 1925 as appropriate. Please note that the termination or adjustment of payment must be effective on the actual day of the month the overpayment occurred.
Questions regarding this letter or the Multiple Payment Summary Report should be directed to your district office social services coordinator.