Effective upon the emergency rule file date of Ohio Administrative Code rule 5101:2-40-04, Public Children Services Agencies shall issue payments to eligible kinship caregivers as follows:
Kinship caregivers will be eligible for the incentive payments under the previous OAC rule 5101:2-40-04 requirements of $1,000 for an initial payment and $500 for subsequent payments for applications received prior to the emergency rule file date regardless of when the application was approved.
Kinship caregivers will be eligible for the incentive payments under the emergency rule OAC 5101:2-40-04 requirements of $525 for an initial payment and $300 for subsequent payments for applications received and approved on or after the emergency rule file date.
The continuation of the KPI program is based on the availability of funds. In order to confine KPI expenditures to appropriated state funds, the Director of the Department of Job and Family Services, or designee, may issue an order at any time suspending the intake of any applications for KPI.
The following chart depicts what materials should be inserted into the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM).
Procedure Letters | | FCASPL No. 179 |