This letter transmits revisions to the SACWIS Agency Provider Data form as well as several forms which will now be made obsolete.
The JFS 01318 "SACWIS Private Agency Provider Data" and the corresponding instructions (JFS 01318-I) have been revised. All old copies of this form should no longer be used. The JFS 01318 has been amended to include the RAPBACK Transaction Code, BCII & FBI record check fields. In addition, the following transaction codes have been removed:
04-Recertification of Foster Home Provider;
05-Initial Approval of Adoption Provider;
06- Transfer Foster Home Provider;
07-Change in Circumstance;
09-Change from one type of Foster Care to another;
10-Denial of Certification;
11-Revocation of Certification
The following transaction codes have been added to the form:
01-Create New Foster Home Provider
02-Create New Adoptive Home Provider
03-Create New Foster & Adoptive Home Provider
04-Update of Adoption Provider
05-RAPBACK - Required Information (R)
The JFS 01318 instructions have been updated to reflect these changes to the form and provide more specific instructions on RAPBACK requirements.
The following forms will be made obsolete:
1)JFS 01633 (and instructions)- Micro-FACSIS Private Agency Form (PCPA and PNA)
OAPL Family Listing Activities
2)JFS 01639 (and instructions)- Micro-FACSIS Private Agency Form (PCPA and PNA)
Own Home Foster Home - Resource 01
3)JFS 01648 (and instructions)- Micro-FACSIS Private Agency Form (PCPA and PNA)
Own Agency Adoptive Home - Resource 40
The following chart depicts what materials are to be removed from the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM) and what materials are to be inserted in the FCASM.
Forms |
JFS 01633 (Rev. 4/2002) JFS 01633-I (Rev. 4/2002) JFS 01639 (Rev. 4/2002) JFS 01639-I (Rev. 4/2002) JFS 01648 (Rev. 4/2002) JFS 01648-I (Rev. 4/2002) JFS 01318 (Rev. 12/2008) JFS01318-I(Rev. 12/2008)
| JFS 01318 (Rev. 4/2009) JFS 01318 - I (Rev. 4/2009)
Procedure Letters | | FCASPL No. 165 |