This letter transmits changes made to the JFS 04281 "Children Services Quarterly Statistical Report" and JFS 04281-I "Instructions For Completing the Children Services Quarterly Statistical Report."
The JFS 04281 and JFS 04281-I have been updated to account for changes made in Part Three of both documents. The following is a brief explanation of the changes to the JFS 04281 form and instructions.
- Part Four Question 1(a) was added for stand alone county agencies to report total staff employed by the agency on the last day of the calendar quarter, which is the subject of the report.
- Part Four Question 1(b) was added for stand alone county agencies to report the total number of child welfare staff who had a case load providing direct child welfare services and their immediate supervisors who supervise these staff in the provision of providing direct child welfare services on the last day of the calendar quarter, which is the subject of this report.
- Instructions for completing the above questions were added to page six (6) of the JFS 04281-I.
- Part Four Question 2(a) was added for combined county agencies to report the total number of staff employed by the agency on the last day of the calendar quarter, which is the subject of this report, and whose salary costs were reported in the Social Services Cost Pool.
- Part Four Question 2(b) was added for combined county agencies to report the total number of child welfare staff who had a case load providing direct child welfare services and their immediate supervisors who supervise these staff in the provision of providing direct child welfare services on the last day of the calendar quarter, which is the subject of this report, and whose salary costs were reported in the Social Services Cost Pool.
- Instructions for completing the above questions were added to page six (6) of the JFS 04281-I.
- The questions above were added for use by ODJFS to calculate the amount of IV-B Part I and IV-B Part I Administration that can be used to cover the non-allocated costs on each county's Certification of Funds Worksheet subject to the each county's total IV-B Part I allocation.
- Line 3(a) on the JFS 04281-I was amended to include the term "at the time of removal" for clarity.
- Submittal Instructions on the JFS 04281 and the JFS 04281-I were amended to allow for submission of the JFS 04281 report on the first business day after the due dates identified if the due dates fall on a weekend or holiday.
County agencies will now email the completed electronic Excel JFS 04281 to
The following chart depicts what materials should be deleted from the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM) and what materials are to be inserted in the FCASM.
Procedure Letters | | FCASPL No. 136 |