FCASMTL 496 (Amendment to OAC Rules 5101:2-33-55 Education and In-service Training Requirements for PCSA Caseworkers and 5101:2-33-56 In-service Training Requirements for PCSA Supervisors)
Family, Children and Adult Services Manual Transmittal Letter No. 496
June 3, 2022
TO: Family, Children and Adult Services Manual Holders
FROM: Matt Damschroder, Director
SUBJECT: Amendment to Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) Rules 5101:2-33-55 Education and In-service Training Requirements for PCSA Caseworkers and 5101:2-33-56 In-service Training Requirements for PCSA Supervisors

This letter transmits Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) rule 5101:2-33-55, which was amended due to the passage of HB110 of the 134th General Assembly, providing for additional circumstances under which a PCSA director may waive portions of caseworker core training, and 5101:2-33-56, which was updated concurrently for alignment. These rules set forth the requirements that apply to a Public Children Services Agency (PCSA) when hiring caseworkers and training caseworkers and supervisors. These rules will become effective June 15, 2022.

The following is a brief explanation of the changes to these rules:

OAC 5101:2-33-55 is entitled Education and In-service Training Requirements for PCSA Caseworkers. Paragraphs within the rule have been restructured and re-worded to promote clarity and to remove information incorporated into the statewide learning management system (LMS) functionality.  Revisions were made to provide PCSA directors or their designees with more discretion when waiving caseworker core training requirements, allowing them to complete an individualized assessment of a caseworker’s core training needs within the first six months of the caseworker’s employment in that position.  PCSA supervisors have also been given more discretion in approving caseworkers’ annual training requirements insofar as the training hours are relevant to the caseworker’s assigned duties and entered in the statewide LMS.  In addition, requirements for human trafficking and domestic violence trainings have been aligned.

OAC 5101:2-33-56 is entitled In-service Training Requirements for PCSA Supervisors. Paragraphs within the rule have been restructured and re-worded to promote clarity and to remove information incorporated into the statewide LMS functionality.  PCSA directors, or their designees, have also been given more discretion in approving supervisors’ annual training requirements insofar as the training hours are relevant to the supervisor’s assigned duties and entered into the statewide LMS.  In addition, requirements for human trafficking and domestic violence trainings have been aligned.


The following chart indicates the materials that should be removed from the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM) and the materials that should be added.




MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION 5101:2‑33‑55 5101:2‑33‑55
MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION 5101:2‑33‑56 5101:2‑33‑56
Transmittal Letters   FCASMTL No. 496