FCASMTL 412 (Amendment of Title IV-E Foster Care Maintenance Rules)
Family, Children and Adult Services Manual Transmittal Letter No. 412
April 11, 2019
TO: Family, Children and Adult Services Manual Holders
FROM: Kimberly Hall, Director
SUBJECT: Amendment of Title IV-E Foster Care Maintenance Rules

This letter transmits amended rules for Title IV-E foster care maintenance. The following rules were reviewed in accordance with section 106.031 of the Revised Code, which requires the review of all state agency rules within a five-year period. The rules will be effective May 1, 2019.

OAC 5101:2-47-01 entitled Administration of the Title IV-E Foster Care Maintenance Program. This rule sets forth the objectives, goals and responsibilities for the administration of the Title IV-E Foster Care Maintenance (FCM) program. The JFS 01975 "Annual Foster Care Maintenance and Adoption Assistance Survey" is no longer being used. A new paragraph (M) explains that the foster care maintenance per diem information to establish reimbursement ceilings will be taken from the statewide child welfare information system (SACWIS). Minor changes to language for clarity.

OAC 5101:2-47-17 entitled Foster care maintenance program reimbursability: Reimbursements for FCM and child care for public foster homes, relative homes, and pre-finalized adoptive homes. Minor changes to language for clarity.

OAC 5101:2-47-18 entitled Foster care maintenance program reimbursability: Reimbursements related to the difficulty of care needs of a child placed in a foster home, relative home, or prefinalized adoptive home. This rule outlines the requirements for services authorized for children who have special, exceptional or intensive needs that required special parenting. Minor changes to language for clarity.

OAC 5101:2-47-19 entitled Foster care maintenance program reimbursability: Reimbursements, Graduation Expenses and Personal Incidentals. This rule outlines the requirements for reimbursements for graduation expenses and personal incidentals. Paragraph (J) was updated to require receipts and invoices be made available upon request. Minor changes to language for clarity.


The following chart shows what materials should be inserted into the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM).




MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION 5101:2‑47‑01 5101:2‑47‑01
  5101:2‑47‑17 5101:2‑47‑17
  5101:2‑47‑18 5101:2‑47‑18
  5101:2‑47‑19 5101:2‑47‑19