This letter transmits amended Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) rules
governing adult protective services (APS) that have been revised as a result of
the passage of HB 49. The following is a brief explanation of the changes.
OAC rule 5101:2-20-01 entitled “Adult protective services definitions” sets forth definitions
of terminology used by those working in the APS field. This rule has been amended
to include a definition for abandonment, amend the definitions of neglect and exploitation,
and add previously defined terms that were moved from other sections of the Ohio
Revised Code.
OAC rule 5101:2-20-06 entitled “The county adult protective services memorandum of understanding”
sets forth the requirements for the county department of job and family services
and their designated agencies when creating a memorandum of understanding. This
rule has been amended due to section changes within the Ohio Revised Code.
OAC rule 5101:2-20-14 entitled “CDJFS requirement for cross-referring reports of elder abuse, neglect,
or exploitation” sets forth the requirements for when a county department
of job and family services must make a referral to an outside agency. This rule
has been amended to include local law enforcement agencies as a cross-referral source.
The following chart identifies the material that has been removed
from and inserted into the Family Children and Adult Service Manual (FCASM).
Social Services
OAC 5101:2‑20‑01
OAC 5101:2‑20‑01
OAC 5101:2‑20‑06
OAC 5101:2‑20‑06
OAC 5101:2‑20‑14
OAC 5101:2‑20‑14