In accordance with section 5101.141 of the Revised Code. The
following Administrative Code rules have been written to outline the
requirements for the Adoption Assistance Connections (AAC) to Age Twenty-One
program. Adopted young adults who are age 18 may be able to continue adoption assistance
payments to age 21. The AAC program provides adoption assistance payments on
behalf of the adopted young adults that were in the permanent custody of a
public children services agency (PCSA), had an adoption assistance agreement
finalized after the age of 16 or 17 and finalized an adoption before age 18.
The rules were reviewed and will become effective on January 10, 2018.
OAC 5101:2-51-01 "Administration of the
Adoption Assistance Connections (AAC) to Age Twenty-One" provides
guidelines for the administration of the AAC program.
OAC 5101:2-51-02 "Eligibility for the
Adoption Assistance Connections to Age Twenty-One" outlines the
requirements that the adoptive parent(s) must assure they continue to provide
parental responsibility for the adopted young adult, the adopted young adult
also assures ongoing parental support, and the adopted young adult meets one of
the five eligibility criteria.
OAC 5101:2-51-03 "Payments for the
Adoption Assistance Connections to Age Twenty-One" outlines the
payment process for the AAC program.
JFS 00147 "Title Adoption Assistance
Connections (AAC) to Age Twenty-One Application" will be sent to
all adopted parents of children who entered into an adoption assistance
agreement after age 16 or 17.
JFS 00148 "Title IV-E Adoption Assistance
Connections to Age Twenty-One Agreement" is the agreement between
an AAC representative and the adoptive parent.
JFS 00149 "Title IV-E Adoption Assistance
Connections (AAC) to Age Twenty-One Semi-annual Assurance of Parental
Responsibility and Eligibility for Continued Medicaid Coverage"
shall be completed by the adopted parent semi-annually to assure that the
adopted parent maintains parental responsibility.
JFS 00150 "Title IV-E Adoption Assistance
Connections (AAC) to Age Twenty-One Adopted Young Adult Semi-annual Assurance
of Parental Responsibility and Eligibility for Continued Medicaid
coverage" shall be completed by the adopted young adult
semi-annually to assure the adopted parent maintains parental responsibility.
The following chart shows what materials should be inserted into
the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM).
JFS 00147
JFS 00148
JFS 00149
JFS 00150