FCASMTL 340 (Amendment to OAC Rules 5101:2-42-04, 5101:2-42-64, 5101:2-42-65, 5101:2-42-66.1, 5101:2-42-66.2, 5101:2-42-70, 5101:2-42-71, 5101:2-42-93)
Family, Children and Adult Services Manual Transmittal Letter No. 340
July 18, 2014
TO: All Family, Children and Adult Services Manual Users
FROM: Cynthia C. Dungey, Director
SUBJECT: Amendment to Ohio Administrative Code Rules 5101:2-42-04, 5101:2-42-64, 5101:2-42-65, 5101:2-42-66.1, 5101:2-42-66.2, 5101:2-42-70, 5101:2-42-71, 5101:2-42-93

This letter transmits Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) rules governing Substitute Care that are being amended as a result of the Five Year Rule Review. The following is a brief explanation of the changes.

OAC rule 5101:2-42-04 entitled "Authority to assume and retain custody of a child" of the Administrative Code sets forth the requirements of placing a child in substitute care setting apart from parent(s). The rule has been amended for clarity and to make minor grammatical changes.

OAC rule 5101:2-42-64 entitled "Preplacement services" sets forth the requirements for the PCSAs and PCPAs to provide or arrange preplacement services to the child and parent(s). The rule has been amended for clarity and to make minor grammatical changes.

OAC rule 5101:2-42-65 entitled "Caseworker visits and contacts with children in substitute care" sets forth the requirements for the PCSAs and PCPAs through visits and contacts with the child and substitute caregiver to ensure the child's safety, well-being and to assess whether the placement and services continue to meet the child's needs. The rule has been amended for clarity and to make minor grammatical changes.

OAC rule 5101:2-42-66.1 entitled "Comprehensive health care for children in placement" sets forth the requirements that PCSAs and PCPAs shall coordinate comprehensive health care for children in the agency's care or custody. The rule has been amended for clarity and to make minor grammatical changes.

OAC rule 5101:2-42-66.2 entitled "Documentation of comprehensive health care for children in placement" sets forth the requirements for PCSAs and PCPAs to document and maintain a record of physical health examinations, developmental and psychological assessments, and treatment for each child in agency care or custody. The rule has been amended for clarity and to make minor grammatical changes.

OAC rule 5101:2-42-70 entitled "Provision of services to unmarried minor parents" sets forth the requirements of the PCSAs and PCPAs to provide or arrange for the provision of services. The rule has been amended for clarity and to make minor grammatical changes.

OAC rule 5101:2-42-71 entitled "Approval of adult-supervised living arrangements" sets forth the requirements of the PCSAs and PCPAs to assume responsibility for the care of a pregnant minor, unmarried minor parent and the child of a minor parent and provide an adult-supervised living arrangement. The rule has been amended for clarity and to make minor grammatical changes.

OAC rule 5101:2-42-93 entitled "Change of placement or visitation plan prior to journalization of case plan" requires PCSAs and PCPAs, when a child's placement or visitation plan has been specified by a court order, to file a motion to modify such an order and receive court approval prior to effecting a change in the child's placement or visitation plan. The rule has been amended for clarity and to make minor grammatical changes.

INSTRUCTIONS: The following chart identifies the material that needs to be removed from and inserted into the Family Children and Adult Service Manual (FCASM).

Substitute Care

