FCASMTL 284 (Changes to SFY 2012 Kinship Permanency Incentive [KPI] Program)
Family, Children and Adult Services Manual Transmittal Letter No. 284
July 8, 2011
TO: Family, Children and Adult Services Manual Holders
FROM: Michael B. Colbert, Director
SUBJECT: Amendments to OAC 5101:2-40-04 (Kinship Permanency Incentive (KPI) Program))

This letter transmits amendments to Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) rule 5101:2-40-04 "Kinship Permanency Incentive Program." This rule is being amended as a result of Am. Sub. H.B. 153 of the 129th General Assembly and through the 'Request for Executive Order Authorizing the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services to Emergency File Rules [ORC 119.03 (F)].' This rule is effective July 1, 2011. The following is a brief explanation of the changes:

OAC 5101:2-40-04 entitled "Kinship permanency incentive program" outlines the provisions that govern eligibility, the administration and application process for the KPI program. The rule allows the public children services agency (PCSA) to provide incentive payments to kinship caregivers to promote permanency. Changes to this rule were made to the dollar amount of the incentive payments in paragraph (D). Incentive payments will now be issued every state fiscal year via a procedure letter.

JFS 01503 entitled "Notice of approval for kinship permanency incentive funds" is used by the PCSA when informing the kinship caregiver that he or she has been approved for KPI funds. This form was revised to take out the specified dollar amounts as these amounts may change every fiscal year.


The following chart depicts what materials should be deleted from the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM) and what materials are to be inserted in the FCASM.

Kinship Permanency Incentive Program
JFS 01503
Notice of Approval for Kinship Permanency Incentive Funds
JFS 01503 (Rev. 3/2011)JFS   01503 (Rev. 7/2011)
Transmittal Letters
 FCASMTL No. 284