This letter transmits amendments to Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) rules 5101:2-44-06 "Eligibility of adoptive family and adoptive child for the state adoption maintenance subsidy program," 5101:2-44-13 "Public children services agency (PCSA) administration of the post adoption special services subsidy (PASSS) program," 5101:2-44-13.1 "Eligibility and application process for the post adoption special services subsidy (PASSS) program," revised form JFS 01050 "Application for a post adoption special services subsidy" and new form JFS 01052 "Credentials for Providers of PASSS Funded Therapeutic Services and Memorandum of Understanding." These rules and forms will be effective July 1, 2008.
A brief explanation of the rule changes appears below:
OAC 5101:2-44-06 outlines the eligibility requirements for the state adoption maintenance subsidy program. This rule was amended to include the change in the revised maximum payment amount from two hundred and fifty dollars to three hundred dollars per month per child for an approved state adoption maintenance subsidy.
OAC 5101:2-44-13 outlines the procedures the PCSA must follow when issuing a post adoption special services subsidy. This rule was amended to introduce the new JFS 01052 "Credentials for Providers of PASSS Funded Therapeutic Services and Memorandum of Understanding" form. As part of the approval process, the adoptive parent is responsible for having this form completed by the therapist who will be providing the approved PASSS services. Other amendments to this rule include clarification on payment amounts to a provider when a service is or is not covered under Medicaid.
OAC 5101:2-44-13.1 outlines the eligibility and application process for adoptive parents. This rule was amended to clarify the language regarding when an agency is required to enter into a PASSS agreement with a family, and require treatment plans within 30 days of the child's initial visit for therapeutic intervention(s) that will be provided and require families to include a copy of the JFS 01052 when submitting a JFS 01050 "Application for a Post Adoption Special Services Subsidy." New language has been added to this rule to indicate that all surgical, psychiatric, psychological and counseling services must be determined to be medically necessary by a qualified professional and that providers of residential treatment and therapeutic foster care must be licensed by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) or the Department of Mental Health. Other amendments include a definition for "respite care services," an increase in the amount of respite that can be approved per child per state fiscal year, language that the providers of therapeutic services must comply with OAC Chapter 5122 and clarification and revisions to the list of services that shall not be approved for PASSS funds.
A brief explanation of each form change appears below:
JFS 01050 has been revised to include a section for the additional respite that an agency may approve and sections for the name of the residential treatment, therapeutic foster care or in-patient hospitalization facility, whom the facilities are licensed by and the name of the non-traditional therapeutic techniques being requested. Also, Section VI of the JFS 01050 has been revised to indicate that as a condition of continued eligibility for PASSS, a treatment plan must be submitted to the agency within 30 days of a child's initial visit to the provider. The instructions page (JFS 01050-I) has been created.
JFS 01052 is a new form that requires providers of services approved with PASSS funds to identify their credentials, licensing board, professional experience and type of therapy they will be providing. This form also requires the provider to indicate that the therapeutic interventions they will be providing comply with all treatment aspects contained in OAC Chapter 5122.
Please note these forms will be available online at (internet) or at (ODJFS innerweb).
The following chart depicts what materials should be deleted from the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM) and what materials are to be inserted in the FCASM.
SOCIAL SERVICES Adoption Services
| 5101:2‑44‑06 5101:2‑44‑13 5101:2‑44‑13.1
| 5101:2‑44‑06 5101:2‑44‑13 5101:2‑44‑13.1
FORMS | JFS 01050 (Rev. 7/2004) |
JFS 01050 (Rev. 1/2008) JFS 01050-I (1/2008) JFS 01052 (1/2008)
TRANSMITTALS Transmittal Letters
| | FCASMTL No. 218