FCASMTL 195 (Title IV-E ICCA, eff. 1/1/07)
Family, Children and Adult Services Manual Transmittal Letter No. 195
December 6, 2006
TO: Family, Children and Adult Services Manual Holders
FROM: Barbara E. Riley, Director
SUBJECT: Revisions to Title IV-E Rules

This letter transmits revisions to Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) rules 5101:2-33-19, 5101:2-47-19, and 5101:2-47-23.1, the Sample Contract, Sample Invoice and Sample Individual Child Care Agreement (ICCA) as well as the creation of a Sample ICCA Amendment. These changes are effective January 1, 2007.

An explanation of the rule revisions appears below:

OAC rule 5101:2-47-19 Foster care maintenance program reimbursability: Clothing payments and graduation expenses sets forth the manner in which payments for reimbursable clothing and graduation expenses shall be claimed. The rule title has been amended to include clothing payments, graduation expenses, and personal incidentals. The rule has been revised to include clarifying language regarding supplemental payments for cost categories, clothing and graduation expenses, as well as to provide a federally approved list of allowable personal incidental expenses. The rule provides guidance on processing auxiliary payments and reimbursements dependent upon the type of expense, placement setting, and whether the cost is directly incurred by the Title IV-E agency or a payment to the foster care provider.

OAC rule 5101:2-47-23.1 Title IV-E Agency Contracting and Contract Monitoring requirements sets forth the minimum requirements for the establishment of contracts and the monitoring of those contracts for Title IV-E agencies purchasing foster care services from private providers. This rule is amended to retract all references to rescinded rules, to clarify invoicing procedures and contract monitoring language, and to specifically identify what shall be included in contract notifications.

OAC rule 5101:2-47-26 Title IV-E agencies, private child placing agencies (PCPA), private noncustodial agencies (PNA): penalties for failure to comply with fiscal accountability procedures sets forth the penalties ODJFS may enforce against PCPAs, PNAs, and PCSAs for failure to comply with the fiscal accountability procedures outlined in OAC Chapter 5101:2-47. This rule is being rescinded from Chapter 5101:2-33, revised, and enacted as OAC rule 5101:2-47-26. The rule has been amended to retract and replace the term PCSA with Title IV-E agency, change the time frame for corrective action plan to be completed, change the presentation order of fiscal accountability penalties and other sanctions within the rule, and to add language specifying how the untimely or inaccurate filing of the single cost report shall impact the reimbursement ceiling effective period.

The JFS 01700 "Individual Child Care Agreement" (ICCA) sets forth a template for counties to relay information required in OAC rule 5101:2-42-90 entitled Information to be provided to caregivers, school districts and juvenile courts; information to be included in the individual child care agreement. Changes to the sample ICCA include a complete transformation of the manner in which information is presented with the addition of addendums for child behavior and juvenile court information. The sample has also been automated.

The JFS 01701 "Individual Child Care Agreement Amendment" sets forth a template for counties to use to amend information contained in the ICCA. This form was created to alleviate the need for a new ICCA when there are changes to the original ICCA.

The JFS 01702 "Invoice" sets forth an invoicing template for counties to use for placement services. Changes to the sample invoice include updating invoicing procedures to mirror those set forth in OAC rule 5101:2-47-23.1 and automating the document.

The JFS 01703 "Contract for Title IV-E Agencies and Providers for the Provision of Child Placement and Related Services" sets forth a template for counties to use for the provision of child placement and related services. Changes to the sample include the removal of references to rescinded rules, the clarification of provider and agency responsibilities, and revisions to invoicing requirements. Language was clarified throughout.


The following chart depicts what materials are to be removed from or inserted into the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM).

Title IV-E

OAC 5101:2‑33‑19
OAC 5101:2‑47‑19
OAC 5101:2‑47‑23.1

OAC 5101:2‑47‑19
OAC 5101:2‑47‑23.1
OAC 5101:2‑47‑26
FORMS   JFS 01700 (Rev. 12/2006)
JFS 01700-I (Rev. 12/2006)
JFS 01701 (Rev. 12/2006)
JFS 01701-I (Rev. 12/2006)
JFS 01702 (Rev. 12/2006)
JFS 01702-I (Rev.12/2006)
JFS 01703 (Rev. 12/2006)
Manual Transmittal Letters
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