This letter transmits changes
to Ohio Administrative Code rules 5101:2-25-01 , 5101:2-25-02 , 5101:2-25-03 and 5101:2-25-07 as well as forms JFS 01821 and JFS 01821-I .
The following is a brief
explanation of the changes:
For rules 5101:2-25-01 and
5101:2-25-02, the following definitions were added or modified for clarity:
(1) Compact services -
formal or informal arrangements between the CDJFS and a community agency(s),
(2) Direct service -
services provided by staff or the CDJFS,
(3) Purchase services -
services provided through written contract between private or nonprofit
(4) Grants - agreements
made between public children services agencies (PCSAs) only.
For rules 5101:2-25-03 and
5101:2-25-07, words and sentences were added and removed for clarity and
understanding. Forms JFS 01821, and JFS 01821-I were updated to coincide with
the rules.
INSTRUCTIONS: The following
chart identifies the material that needs to be removed from and inserted into
the Family Children and Adult Service Manual (FCASM).