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FCASMTL 135 (5101:7-1-02 and 5101-2:47-14.1 - Archive)
Family, Children and Adult Services Manual Transmittal Letter No. 135
April 1, 2003
TO: Family, Children and Adult Services Manual Holders
FROM: Thomas J. Hayes, Director
SUBJECT: Title IV-E Rule Changes Regarding the Rescission of OAC 5101:7-1-02 and the Adoption of OAC 5101:2-47-14.1

The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services has rescinded Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) rule 5101:7-1-02 and transferred the rule information contained within the rule to OAC 5101:2-47-14.1 as a result of the five year rule review process. Rule 5101:7-1-02 contains the Title IV-E eligibility requirements for the foster care maintenance and adoption assistance programs under the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996. The rule pertains to the ADC guidelines that were in effect in 1996 and was therefore numbered accordingly. These ADC rules were frozen in time as Title IV-E eligibility criteria.

As a result of the five year rule review, it was decided that the 5101:7-1-02 rule should be incorporated into the 5101:2-47 rules which contain the Title IV-E foster care maintenance eligibility rules. Rule 5101:2-47-14.1 has been created to incorporate all the requirements of 5101:7-1-02. We are merely transferring the information from 5101:7-1-02 to rule 5101:2-47-14.1. The only change in the body of the rule is in the reference to the name of the department which now is stated to reflect the name as the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services and a similar reference in the form number. Since there are no changes to the appendix of this rule that was originally transmitted in FCASMTL No. 86, it is not being included in this letter. Please be sure to follow the Instructions for updating the manual below that preserves the appendix.

This rule will be effective April 1, 2003. A brief explanation of each rule revision appears in the following table.

OAC Rule NumberA Brief Explanation of Proposed Changes
Rescinded rule and transferred information into new rule 5101:2-47-14.1.
Transferred information from 5101:7-1-02 into 5101:2-47-14.1 rule.
Outlines ADC requirements pertinent to Title IV-E eligibility


The following chart depicts what materials are to be removed from the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM) and what materials are to be inserted in the FCASM.

Title IV-E5101:7-1-025101:2-47-14.1 after 5101: 2-47-14
 Remove, but do not obsolete Appendix A of this rule Insert Appendix A from 5101:7-1-02 behind 2-47-14.1
TRANSMITTALS Transmittal Letter Index Starting with No. 115 Transmittal Letter Index Starting with No. 126
  FCASMTL No. 135