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FCASMTL 115 (JFS 04287 - Archive)
Family, Children and Adult Services Manual Transmittal Letter No. 115
July 23, 2001
TO: All Family, Children and Adult Services Manual Holders County Department of Job and Family Services' Directors
FROM: Gregory L. Moody, Director
SUBJECT: Revision of the ODJFS Protective Services for Adults Quarterly Report (JFS 04287)

The Protective Services for Adults Quarterly Report (JFS 04287) originated in 1987 in the Office of Fiscal, Bureau of Financial Analysis and Reporting and was previously housed in the Administrative Procedure Manual. The disbandment of the Bureau of Financial Analysis and Reporting and the revisions made to the quarterly report (JFS 04287), prompted a review of the appropriate reference site for the quarterly report and its instructions. No fiscal reporting is associated with this quarterly report. Therefore, effective with this revision, the JFS 04287 will be housed in the Family, Children and Adult Services Procedure Manual.

The Protective Services for Adults Quarterly Report (JFS 04287) has been revised to be more concise and user friendly, and was reduced from four to two pages. The revised JFS 04287 has the capability of being submitted electronically via Quattro Pro software to the department. In addition to the JFS 04287, a two page Face Sheet was designed to assist Adult Protective Services (APS) workers during the course of their investigation, to collect data for the JFS 04287.

The purpose of the JFS 04287 is to collect information from the CDJFSs on reports of suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation, the investigation and evaluation of such reports, and on the involvements of the courts in the investigation or provision of protective services. The data is complied and analyzed at the end of the state fiscal year, and provides the CDJFSs, legislators and constituents with annual data on the types of APS cases that were received, evaluated, and the number of adults for whom services were provided. It also provides an indication of the statewide need for services and court intervention to protect adults who may be in need of protective services.


File the cover letter of this transmittal in the FCASMTL Section of the Family, Children and Adult Services Manual (FCASM). Insert the JFS 04287 form and instructions in the Forms Section of the FCASM behind form OMB No. 0970-0903(Refugee and Entrant Unaccompanied Minor Progress Report/Instructions).