The Office of Child Support (OCS) has proposed to amend the following rules. The rules have been amended for clarity.
Amended Rule | Amended Rule Title | Prior Effective Date of Rule | Effective Date of Amendment |
5101:12‑1‑51 | Mandatory CSEA Fiscal Reports | 07/01/2010 | 6/01/2014 |
This rule describes the requirements for submitting the JFS 04234 "Annual Full-Time Equivalent Report" to OCS, and other required financial reports to the Office of Fiscal and Monitoring Services within ODJFS. Changes from the existing rule include: deleted the reference to JFS 02712 as the form is obsolete and the information must be submitted electronically to the Office of Fiscal and Monitoring Services through their database system; and added language directing the Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA) to follow the instructions stated in rules 5101:9‑6‑83, 5101:9‑7‑02.1, 5101:9‑7‑23, and 5101:9‑7‑29 of the Administrative Code. This rule is authorized by ORC section 3125.25 and amplifies ORC sections 3125.03 and 3125.25.
5101:12‑1‑80 | IV-D Contracts: Overview | 08/15/2013 | 6/01/2014 |
The rule describes the process by which a CSEA enters into a IV-D contract with a governmental entity or a private entity; the rule lists the types of IV-D contracts and the procurement process, terms and definitions and the required contracts forms. The rule is being amended to change the effective date of the JFS 07018 "IV-D Contract" as the form was revised to correct the numbering sequence. This rule is authorized by ORC section 3125.25, and amplifies ORC sections 3125.13, 3125.14, 3125.141, and 3125.17.
The following forms have been revised:
Form | Form Title | Prior Effective Date | Effective Date of Revision |
JFS 07018 | IV-D Contract | 11/2012 | 12/2013 |
This form is the official IV-D contract that the CSEA and a governmental or a private contractor must complete, sign, and date in order to establish the terms and conditions of a IV-D contract. The form has been revised to correct the numbering sequence on pages 3 and 4.
JFS 07037 | IV-D Contract Amendment | 2/2009 | 12/2013 |
This form is used by the CSEA and contractor to describe the terms of the IV-D contract that the CSEA and contractor have agreed to amend. The form has been revised to correct the appropriate paragraph reference of JFS 07018.
When the CSPMTL is published, the CSPM will be updated as follows:
- An amended rule will be inserted and the previous version will be moved to the OAC Archive section of the eManuals.
- A revised form will be replaced with the amended form.
The rules in the CSPM can be accessed at:
Forms can also be accessed on the ODJFS Forms Central InnerWeb page at:
or on the ODJFS Forms Central Internet page at:
Paragraph (I)(1) of OAC rule 5101:12-1-01 states that, whenever a program change requires modification of local procedures, the CSEA is required to revise its internal procedural handbook and submit the revision to OCS within thirty days of the revision. The CSEA should carefully review the amended rules contained in this CSPMTL to determine whether they require the CSEA to update its internal procedural handbook.