The Office of Child Support (OCS) has rescinded the following rules. The rules have been reviewed in accordance with Section 119.032 of the Revised Code, which requires the review of all state agency rules within a five-year period.
Rescinded Rule | Rescinded Rule Title | Prior Effective Date of Rule | Effective Date of Rescission |
5101:12‑10‑45 | IV-D county contracts: scope, contract types, and definitions. | 2/16/2006 | 2/15/2009 |
This rule describes the procedures that govern IV-D contracts, the types of IV-D contracts that a Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA) may enter into with a governmental or non-governmental contractor, and IV-D contract definitions. This rule is being rescinded because more than 50% of this rule has been stricken and a comparable amount of new text has been added. The information regarding IV-D contract definitions and types of IV-D contracts is contained in new rule 5101:12‑1‑80.
5101:12‑10‑45.1 | IV-D county contracts; allowable costs and sources of the non-federal share. | 2/16/2006 | 2/15/2009 |
This rule describes allowable costs and expenditures for which Federal Financial Participation (FFP) reimbursement is available. This rule is being rescinded because more than 50% of this rule has been stricken and a comparable amount of new text has been added. The information regarding FFP reimbursement is repetitive information that is described in rules 5101:12‑1‑60 and 5101:12‑1‑60.1. The information in paragraph (C)(1) regarding IV-D contracts for service of process and in paragraph (C)(18) regarding hearings has been moved to amended rules 5101:12‑1‑60 and 5101:12‑1‑60.1. The information in paragraphs (D) and (E) regarding IV-D contracts for service of process and clerk of court duties has been moved to new rule 5101:12‑1‑80. The description of sources of the non-federal share in paragraph (G)(1) is repetitive information that is described in rule 5101:12‑1‑50. The information in paragraph (G) regarding the CSEA's contribution of the non-federal share has been moved to paragraph (B)(4)(b) of new rule 5101:12‑1‑80.1.
5101:12‑10‑45.2 | IV-D county contracts: contract requirements. | 2/16/2006 | 2/15/2009 |
This rule describes the IV-D contract terms, procurement requirements, IV-D contract documents that must be submitted to OCS, the optional purchase of Non-CSEA initiated court hearings, IV-D contract signatures, performance standards, and IV-D contract amendments. This rule is being rescinded because more than 50% of this rule has been stricken and a comparable amount of new text has been added. The information regarding Non-CSEA initiated court hearings is contained in paragraph (E) of new rule 5101:12‑1‑80. The procurement information in paragraphs (A)(2) to (A)(5) is repetitive information that is described in ORC sections 307.86 to 307.92, the rules in Chapter 5101:9-4 within the Fiscal Administrative Procedure Manual (FAPM), and 45 CFR Part 92. Therefore, the procurement information relevant to IV-D contracts has been reorganized in paragraph (G) of new rule 5101:12‑1‑80. Paragraph (G) describes when a CSEA is required to use the competitive sealed bid process versus the competitive sealed proposal process. The information in paragraphs (A)(1), (E), (F), and (G) regarding the IV-D contract period, IV-D contract signatures, performance standards, and a IV-D contract amendment has been moved to new rule 5101:12‑1‑80.1. The information in paragraphs (B) and (C) regarding IV-D contract documents that must be submitted to OCS is contained in new rule 5101:12‑1‑80.2.
5101:12‑10‑45.3 | IV-D county contracts; billable units and payment for contract services. | 2/16/2006 | 2/15/2009 |
This rule describes a billable unit of service (or unit of service), the unit rate, time study requirements, time sheet requirements, and payments for IV-D contract services. This rule is being rescinded because more than 50% of this rule has been stricken and a comparable amount of new text has been added. The information regarding the unit of service and unit rate as well as the information in paragraph (B)(2)(b) regarding the total IV-D contract cost has been moved to paragraphs (B)(2) and (B)(4) of new rule 5101:12‑1‑80.1. The information in paragraph (A)(4)(d) regarding the purchase of Non-CSEA initiated activities with a mixed court docket has been modified and is contained in paragraph (A) of new rule 5101:12‑1‑80.3. The description in paragraph (A)(5)(c) of the contents of the JFS 02015, "IV-D Contract Time Study" is not needed and will not be replaced. The language in paragraph (A)(6)(b) regarding an alternate form used in place of the JFS 07036 has been modified and is contained in paragraph (B)(2) of new rule 5101:12‑1‑80.3. The information in paragraphs (A)(4), (A)(5), (A)(6), and (B) regarding the time study, time sheet, and invoicing has been moved to new rule 5101:12‑1‑80.3 and the definition for "program" is contained in paragraph (B)(4) of new rule 5101:12‑1‑80.1.
5101:12‑10‑45.4 | IV-D county contracts; CSEA contract submission requirements. | 12/02/2004 | 2/15/2009 |
This rule describes the requirements for IV-D contract submission, review of IV-D contracts, and resubmission of a rejected IV-D contract. This rule is being rescinded because more than 50% of this rule has been stricken. The information regarding the length of the IV-D contract period has been moved to paragraph (B) of new rule 5101:12‑1‑80.1 and the information regarding IV-D contract submission is contained in rule 5101:12‑1‑80.2.
5101:12‑10‑45.5 | IV-D county contracts; office of child support approval and contract monitoring requirements. | 12/02/2004 | 2/15/2009 |
This rule describes the process for OCS review, approval, and monitoring of a IV-D contract. This rule is being rescinded because more than 50% of this rule has been stricken and a comparable amount of new text has been added. The information regarding the OCS review and acceptance of a IV-D contract has been moved to paragraph (C) of new rule 5101:12‑1‑80.2 and the information regarding the OCS monitoring process is contained in paragraph (E)(2) of new rule 5101:12‑1‑80.3.
5101:12‑10‑45.6 | IV-D county contracts; CSEA contract monitoring and evaluation requirements. | 12/02/2004 | 2/15/2009 |
This rule describes the IV-D contract monitoring and evaluation activities that the CSEA must perform. This rule is being rescinded because more than 50% of this rule has been stricken and a comparable amount of new text has been added. The information in paragraph (A) regarding the responsibility of the CSEA in completing the IV-D contract and associated forms has been moved to paragraph (A) of new rule 5101:12‑1‑80.1 and the information regarding CSEA monitoring activities is contained in paragraph (E) of new rule 5101:12‑1‑80.3. The information regarding the annual IV-D contract evaluation is contained in paragraph (F) of new rule 5101:12‑1‑80.3. The description in paragraph (B) of the contents of the JFS 02151, "IV-D Contract Evaluation" is not needed and will not be replaced.
5101:12‑10‑45.7 | IV-D county contracts; record retention requirements. | 12/02/2004 | 2/15/2009 |
This rule describes the record retention requirements for the CSEA with regard to a IV-D contract. This rule is being rescinded because more than 50% of this rule has been stricken and a comparable amount of new text has been added. The information in paragraphs (A) to (D) is now contained in paragraphs (A) to (E) of new rule 5101:12‑1‑80.4.
OCS has adopted the following rules:
Adopted Rule | Adopted Rule Title | Effective Date of Adopted Rule |
5101:12‑1‑80 | IV-D contracts: overview. | 2/15/2009 |
This is a new rule that describes the process by which a CSEA enters into a IV-D contract with a governmental entity or a private entity, IV-D contract terms and definitions, types of IV-D contracts, requirements that are specific to a IV-D contract with a court for magistrate services, limitations that are specific to a IV-D contract with a prosecutor or private attorney, and the requirements for the competitive sealed bid and proposal process. Changes from rescinded rules 5101:12‑10‑45, 5101:12‑10‑45.1, and 5101:12‑10‑45.2 include: revised the language and re-formatted the rule for clarity; added definitions for "contractor," "IV-D case," "IV-D contract," "IV-D contract documents," "IV-D services," "law enforcement official," and "total IV-D contract cost;" created a reference to rule 5101:12‑1‑50 in paragraph (B)(11) that replaces the list of sources of the non-federal share in paragraph (G)(1) of rule 5101:12‑10‑45.1; added a description of a IV-D contract for probation officer services to the types of IV-D contracts; removed most of the procurement information that is repetitive of the ORC, FAPM, and 45 CFR Part 92 from rule 5101:12‑10‑45.2; and added a description in paragraph (G) of when a CSEA is required to use the competitive sealed bid process versus the competitive sealed proposal process. This rule is authorized under ORC section 3125.25 and amplifies ORC sections 3125.13, 3125.14, 3125.141, and 3125.17.
5101:12‑1‑80.1 | Completing the IV-D contract. | 2/15/2009 |
This is a new rule that describes the responsibility of the CSEA with regard to completing the IV-D contract documents, IV-D contract signatures, amending the IV-D contract, and modifying the IV-D contract. Changes from rescinded rules 5101:12‑10‑45.1, 5101:12‑10‑45.2, 5101:12‑10‑45.3, 5101:12‑10‑45.4, and 5101:12‑10‑45.6 include: revised the language and re-formatted the rule for clarity; aligned paragraph (B) with the JFS 07018, "IV-D Contract" so the rule now reflects the order in which the IV-D contract is completed; added definitions for "dedicated unit" and "non-dedicated unit" as they relate to the determination of the unit rate; and added a description for IV-D contract amendments and modifications that aligns with IV-D contract term #8 in the JFS 07018. This rule is authorized under ORC section 3125.25 and amplifies ORC sections 3125.13, 3125.14, and 3125.17.
5101:12‑1‑80.2 | IV-D contract submission requirements and acceptance process. | 2/15/2009 |
This is a new rule that describes the process for a CSEA to submit the IV-D contract or IV-D contract amendment and IV-D contract documents to OCS, timeframe for submission, and OCS review and acceptance of a IV-D contract or IV-D contract amendment. Changes from rescinded rules 5101:12‑10‑45.2, 5101:12‑10‑45.4, and 5101:12‑10‑45.5 include: revised the language and re-formatted the rule for clarity; and added a description in paragraph (A)(1) of the specific circumstances in which modifications, deletions, or strike outs are permitted on any IV-D contract document. There are no changes to the IV-D contract submission process, timeframes for submission, and the OCS IV-D contract review and acceptance process. This rule is authorized under ORC section 3125.25 and amplifies ORC sections 3125.12, 3125.13, 3125.14, and 3125.17.
5101:12‑1‑80.3 | IV-D contract time and exception reporting, invoicing, monitoring, and evaluation. | 2/15/2009 |
This is a new rule that describes the time study requirement, time sheet and exception reporting process, invoicing process, CSEA IV-D contract monitoring process, OCS monitoring process, and the completion of the JFS 02151, "IV-D Contract Evaluation." Changes from rescinded rules 5101:12‑10‑45.3, 5101:12‑10‑45.5, and 5101:12‑10‑45.6 include: revised the language and re-formatted the rule for clarity; modified the language regarding the time study in rule 5101:12‑10‑45.3 to give the CSEA the option to purchase Non-CSEA initiated activities in a IV-D contract with a court for magistrate services when the unit of service is a court order or court hearing and the court docket is mixed; added language regarding time sheet and exception reporting; added language describing four new JFS forms that will be used to replace the JFS 07036, "IV-D Contract Time Sheet;" created a shortened process for dedicated principal staff to document time spent on IV-D contract activities by completing the JFS 01730, "Dedicated Principal Staff Exception Report;" added a section that describes invoicing options, including the option for the CSEA to reconcile actual expenses to budgeted expenses on a quarterly basis; and specified that the CSEA must complete and submit to OCS the JFS 07034 in the electronic spreadsheet format that is posted to the ODJFS Innerweb (the JFS 07034 will be posted to the JFS Forms Central Innerweb page in Microsoft Excel© format). This rule is authorized under ORC section 3125.25 and amplifies ORC sections 3125.12, 3125.13, 3125.14, and 3125.17.
5101:12‑1‑80.4 | IV-D contract record retention. | 2/15/2009 |
This is a new rule that describes the types of IV-D contract documentation that, at a minimum, the CSEA should retain as well as the time periods for IV-D contract record retention. Changes from rescinded rule 5101:12‑10‑45.7 include: revised the language and re-formatted the rule for clarity; and added language in paragraph (B)(5) that aligns with the requirement in paragraph (D)(3) of new rule 5101:12‑1‑80. This rule is authorized under ORC section 3125.25 and amplifies ORC sections 3125.12, 3125.13, 3125.14, and 3125.17.
OCS has amended the following rules:
Amended Rule | Amended Rule Title | Prior Effective Date of Rule | Effective Date of Amendment |
5101:12‑1‑60 | Expenditures eligible for federal financial participation reimbursement. | 9/01/2007 | 2/15/2009 |
This rule describes the support enforcement program services and IV-D services for which a CSEA may request FFP reimbursement. Changes from the prior rule include: changed the reference to the OMB Circular A-87 from the OMB website to the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR); removed the definition for "law enforcement official" due to the term no longer being used in the rule; removed references to "cooperative agreement" due to the term not being used in the IV-D contract rules; corrected the rule references for the IV-D contract rules; added paragraphs (C)(3)(d) and (C)(3)(e), which were removed from paragraph (D) of rule 5101:12‑10‑45.1; removed language regarding a IV-D contract for probation officer services, as that information is contained in new rule 5101:12‑1‑80.
5101:12‑1‑60.1 | Expenditures ineligible for federal financial participation reimbursement. | 9/01/2007 | 2/15/2009 |
This rule describes the expenditures for which a CSEA shall not request FFP reimbursement. Changes from the prior rule include: removed the reference to "cooperative agreement" due to the term not being used in the IV-D contract rules; corrected the rule reference for the IV-D contract rules; added the converse of paragraphs (C)(3)(d) and (C)(3)(e) from rule 5101:12‑1‑60 to paragraph (B)(4)(f) and (B)(4)(g); added references to the terms "allowable cost" and "reasonable cost," which are defined in new rule 5101:12‑1‑80; added paragraph (B)(4)(j), which was removed from paragraph (C)(18) of rule 5101:12‑10‑45.1; and struck paragraph (B)(10) and replaced the language with revised 45 CFR 304.23(g).
OCS has rescinded the following forms:
Rescinded Form | Rescinded Form Title | Prior Effective Date of Form | Effective Date of Rescission |
JFS 07036 | IV-D Contract Time Sheet | 2/2006 | 2/2009 |
This form is used by each individual who performs IV-D contract activities to record his or her daily time spent on activities that are reimbursable and not reimbursable under the IV-D contract. This form is being rescinded and replaced by the following new JFS forms: JFS 01728, 01729, 01730, and 01731.
JFS 07036-I | Instructions for Completing the JFS 07036, "IV-D Contract Time Sheet" | 2/2006 | 2/2009 |
This form is the instructions for the JFS 07036-I. This form is being rescinded and replaced by the following new JFS forms: JFS 01728-I, 01729-I, 01730-I, and 01731-I.
OCS has revised the following forms:
Revised Form | Revised Form Title | Prior Effective Date of Form | Effective Date of Revision |
JFS 01772 | IV-D Contract Cover Letter | 2/2006 | 2/2009 |
This form is used as a checklist and cover letter for the CSEA to submit to OCS with a IV-D contract or IV-D contract amendment. Changes from the prior form include: changed the font; revised the language; re-formatted the ODJFS address; and updated the IV-D contract form titles.
JFS 02015 | IV-D Contract Time Study | 2/2006 | 2/2009 |
This form must be completed by the governmental contractor and is used to calculate the IV-D multiplier and identify the average length of time needed to produce a court order or to conduct a court hearing. Changes from the prior form include: changed the font; simplified the wording at the top of the form; changed the language in the headers of columns F, G, and H; added "Non-CSEA initiated activity" language to column G, to capture the option the CSEA has in new rule 5101:12‑1‑80.3 to purchase Non-CSEA initiated activities in a IV-D contract with a court for magistrate services when the unit of service is a court order or court hearing and the court docket is mixed; and revised the totals section on the last page.
JFS 02015-I | Instructions for JFS 02015, IV-D Contract Time Study | 2/2006 | 2/2009 |
This form is the instructions for the JFS 02015. Changes from the prior form include: changed the font; and revised the language and re-formatted the form for clarity.
JFS 02151 | IV-D Contract Evaluation | 11/2004 | 2/2009 |
This form is used by the CSEA to evaluate the performance of the contractor. Changes from the prior form include: changed the font; removed references to the IV-D contract rules; added a certification statement that corresponds with paragraph (C)(2)(c) of new rule 5101:12‑1‑80.3; and revised the language and re-formatted the form for clarity.
JFS 07015 | Certification of Compliance with Competitive Sealed Bid Requirements | 11/2004 | 2/2009 |
This form is used by the CSEA to certify that the CSEA is in compliance with applicable state and federal laws regarding competitive sealed bid requirements or indicate that the CSEA, if administered by a CDJFS, has elected to use the competitive sealed proposal process. Changes from the prior form include: changed the font; removed outdated references; and revised the language in the form to correspond with paragraph (G) of new rule 5101:12‑1‑80.
JFS 07016 | IV-D Contract Security Addendum | 2/2006 | 2/2009 |
This form is an information security agreement that describes the contractor's safeguarding and confidentiality requirements and how the contractor may use information. Changes from the prior form include: changed the font; simplified the instructions at the top of the form; corrected capitalization errors; and revised the signature and date section.
JFS 07018 | IV-D Contract | 2/2006 | 2/2009 |
This form is the official IV-D Contract that the CSEA and governmental or private contractor must complete, sign, and date in order to establish the terms and conditions of a IV-D contract. Changes from the prior form include: updated the language in the first four paragraphs; removed references to FFP reimbursement from the beginning paragraphs; re-numbered the IV-D contract terms for a more logical flow; grouped all IV-D contract terms that require the CSEA or contractor to insert information into the first seven IV-D contract terms; removed individual references to sections of 45 CFR Part 303 in previous IV-D contract term #9 and replaced with a broader reference to the IV-D program requirements contained in 45 CFR Part 303 in new IV-D contract term #6; added language in new IV-D contract term #8 that makes a distinction between IV-D contract amendments and modifications; combined previous IV-D contract terms #11-12 into one recordkeeping section in new IV-D contract term #12; grouped all IV-D contract terms that apply only to private contractors together in new IV-D contract terms #14-16; updated the information in new IV-D contract terms #19, 20, 22, and 24; and revised the signature and date section.
JFS 07020 | Governmental Contractor IV-D Contract Budget | 2/2006 | 2/2009 |
This form is the required form that records the budget for a IV-D contract between a CSEA and a governmental contractor. Changes from the prior form include: limited text to one font; re-formatted pages to print in portrait view rather than landscape; simplified the text in headings or made headings more descriptive; maintained consistency in language choice with that of the IV-D contract rules; corrected rounding errors; added columns to enter prorate amounts; added "notes" section to certain tabs; changed the spreadsheet calculation in Tab 10 to the chargeable amount of depreciation (straight line depreciation method); added pop up instructions to several enterable cells; re-formatted the page on Tab 13 so, depending on the use of the IV-D multiplier, the applicable worksheet displays; and re-formatted the form for clarity.
JFS 07034 | Governmental Contractor Monthly Expense Report | 10/2005 | 2/2009 |
This form is completed by the governmental contractor and submitted to the CSEA in order for the CSEA to authorize payment to the contractor. Changes from the prior form include: changed the font; numbered the lines containing the text "Total Staff Costs," "Total Operations Costs," and "Total Equipment Costs" for ease in following the instructions; moved some of the instructional text to the instructions; maintained consistency in language choice with that of the IV-D contract rules; reduced the amount of columns under the "coding" section; and revised the signature section.
JFS 07034-I | Instructions for JFS 07034, Governmental Contractor Monthly Expense Report | 10/2005 | 2/2009 |
This form is the instructions for the JFS 07034. Changes from the prior form include: changed the font; and revised the language and re-formatted the form for clarity.
JFS 07035 | IV-D Contract Invoice | 11/2004 | 2/2009 |
This form is completed by the contractor and submitted to the CSEA in addition to the JFS 07034 in order for the CSEA to authorize payment to the contractor. Changes from the prior form include: changed the font; made minor changes to the text at the top of the form; corrected form title for the JFS 07034; and updated the language in the certification statement.
JFS 07035-I | Instructions for JFS 07035, IV-D Contract Invoice | 11/2004 | 2/2009 |
This form is the instructions for the JFS 07035. Changes from the prior form include: changed the font; and revised the language and re-formatted the form for clarity. |
JFS 07037 | IV-D Contract Amendment | 11/2004 | 2/2009 |
This form is used by the CSEA and contractor to describe the terms of the IV-D contract that the CSEA and contractor have agreed to amend. The JFS 07037 is submitted to OCS for review and acceptance. Changes from the prior form include: updated the language in the first three paragraphs; created a checklist format so the CSEA can clearly designate the IV-D contract terms to amend; re-numbered the IV-D contract terms for a more logical flow; included all IV-D contract terms that require the CSEA or contractor to insert information, as these are the amendable IV-D contract terms; matched the wording and format to the JFS 07018; and revised the signature and date section.
OCS has adopted the following forms:
Adopted Form | Adopted Form Title | Effective Date of Adoption |
JFS 01728 | Daily Time Sheet for Non-Dedicated Principal Staff | 2/2009 |
This is a new form to be used by the governmental contractor with non-dedicated principal staff to record the daily time spent on both activities that are reimbursable and not reimbursable under the IV-D contract when the unit of service for the IV-D contract is defined as an hour. |
JFS 01728-I | Instructions for JFS 01728, Daily Time Sheet for Non-Dedicated Principal Staff | 2/2009 |
This is a new form serving as the instructions for the JFS 01728. |
JFS 01729 | Monthly Time Sheet Summary for Non-Dedicated Principal Staff | 2/2009 |
This is a new form to be used by the governmental contractor with non-dedicated principal staff to record the monthly time spent on both activities that are reimbursable and not reimbursable under the IV-D contract when the unit of service for the IV-D contract is defined as an hour. The JFS 01729 is intended to summarize how each principal staff spends his or her time on a monthly basis and can be completed by any person in the contractor's office. |
JFS 01729-I | Instructions for JFS 01729, Monthly Time Sheet Summary for Non-Dedicated Principal Staff | 2/2009 |
This is a new form serving as the instructions for the JFS 01729. |
JFS 01730 | Dedicated Principal Staff Exception Report | 2/2009 |
This is a new form to be used by the governmental contractor with dedicated principal staff to record the daily time spent on both activities that are reimbursable and not reimbursable under the IV-D contract when the unit of service for the IV-D contract is defined as an hour. |
JFS 01730-I | Instructions for JFS 01730, Dedicated Principal Staff Exception Report | 2/2009 |
This is a new form serving as the instructions for the JFS 01730. |
JFS 01731 | Monthly Time Summary for Governmental Contractor | 2/2009 |
This is a new form that the CSEA has the option to require the governmental contractor to use to record the monthly time spent on both activities that are reimbursable and not reimbursable under the IV-D contract for each principal staff who completed a JFS 01728 or JFS 01730 for the month. The JFS 01731 is intended to summarize how each principal staff spends his or her time on a monthly basis and can be completed by any person in the contractor's office. |
JFS 01731-I | Instructions for JFS 01731, Monthly Time Summary for Governmental Contractor | 2/2009 |
This is a new form serving as the instructions for the JFS 01731. |
JFS 07018-I | Instructions for JFS 07018, IV-D Contract | 2/2009 |
This is a new form serving as the instructions for the JFS 07018. |
JFS 07020-I | Instructions for JFS 07020, Governmental Contractor IV-D Contract Budget | 2/2009 |
This is a new form serving as the instructions for the JFS 07020. |
When the CSPMTL is published, the CSPM will be updated as follows:
- A rescinded rule will be moved from the CSPM to the OAC Archive section of the eManuals.
- An amended rule will be inserted and the previous version will be moved to the OAC Archive section of the eManuals.
- An adopted rule will be inserted.
- A rescinded form will be removed.
- A revised form will be replaced with the amended form.
- An adopted form will be inserted.
The rules and forms in the CSPM can be accessed at:
Forms can also be accessed on the ODJFS Forms Central InnerWeb page at:
or on the ODJFS Forms Central Internet page at:
Paragraph (I)(1) of OAC rule 5101:12-1-01 states that, whenever a program change requires modification of local procedures, the CSEA is required to revise its internal procedural handbook and submit the revision to OCS within thirty days of the revision. The CSEA should carefully review the adopted and amended rules contained in this CSPMTL to determine whether they require the CSEA to update its internal procedural handbook. The CSEA should give particular care when reviewing the following rules as they contain new or modified requirements with which the CSEA must comply:
5101:12‑1‑60 | (C)(3) |
5101:12‑1‑60.1 | (B)(4) and (B)(10) |
5101:12‑1‑80 | (B)(6), (B)(7), (B)(8), (B)(9), (B)(10), (D)(3), (D)(7), (D)(8), and (G) |
5101:12‑1‑80.1 | (B)(2)(b), (B)(4)(a), (D), and (E) |
5101:12‑1‑80.2 | (A)(1), and (C)(3)(b) |
5101:12‑1‑80.3 | (A)(2), (A)(3), (B), (C)(1), and (C)(2) |
5101:12‑1‑80.4 | (B)(5) and (B)(6) |