The Office of Child Support (OCS) has proposed to rescind the following rule:
Rescinded Rule | Rescinded Rule Title | Prior Effective Date of Rule | Effective Date of Rescission |
5101:12‑1‑87 | Statewide contract for location and collection services | 7/15/2007 | 11/01/2008 |
This rule describes the responsibilities of the Child Support Enforcement Agency (CSEA), Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS), and the statewide contractor that provides location and collection services to CSEAs. The statewide contract for location and collection services between ODJFS and GC Services expired on June 30, 2008. Therefore, this rule is being rescinded and not replaced.
OCS has proposed to adopt the following form:
Adopted Form | Adopted Form Title | Effective Date of Adoption |
JFS 08079-S | Acknowledgment of Paternity Affidavit (Spanish version) | 8/2008 |
The English version of the JFS 08079 was translated to Spanish for the purpose of accommodating individuals who are non-English speaking and assist these individuals in understanding the content of the brochure. |
When the CSPMTL is published, the CSPM will be updated as follows:
- A rescinded rule will be moved from the CSPM to the OAC Archive section of the eManuals.
- Adopted form will be inserted.
Form can also be accessed on the ODJFS Forms Central web page at:
Paragraph (I)(1) of OAC rule 5101:12-1-01 states that, whenever a program change requires modification of local procedures, the CSEA is required to revise its internal procedural handbook and submit the revision to OCS within thirty days of the revision.