The Office of Child Support (OCS) has rescinded,
adopted, and amended the following rules. The rules have been reviewed to
comply with SB 70 of the 132nd General Assembly.
OCS has rescinded the following rule:
Rescinded Rule
Rescinded Rule Title
Prior Effective Date of Rule
Effective Date of Rescission
Institution Data Match Program
rule describes the financial institution data match (FIDM) program, including
FIDM definitions, account information access agreements, financial institution
rights and responsibilities, and the FIDM procedures that the CSEA is required
to follow. The rule is being rescinded and replaced with the same rule number
and title because more than fifty percent of this rule is being stricken. The
provisions from paragraph (C) have been moved to amended rule 5101:12‑55‑10.1
of the Administrative Code (OAC); and the provisions from paragraph (D) have
been moved to amended OAC rule 5101:12‑55‑10.3.
OCS has adopted the following rule:
Adopted Rule
Adopted Rule Title
Effective Date of Adopted Rule
Institution Data Match Program
This rule lists the terms
and definitions that apply to this rule and its supplemental rules. Changes
from the rescinded rule include: moved the provisions from paragraph (C) to
amended OAC rule 5101:12‑55‑10.1; and moved the provisions from paragraph (D)
to amended OAC rule 5101:12‑55‑10.3. There are no other changes to this rule. This
rule is authorized by ORC section 3125.25, and amplifies ORC sections 3121.01,
3121.74, 3123.24, and 3123.25. |
OCS has amended the following rules:
Amended Rule
Amended Rule Title
Prior Effective Date of Rule
Effective Date of Amendment
Administrative Mistake Of Fact
Hearing Process
This rule describes the administrative
mistake of fact hearing process when an obligor who has been found to be in default.
The rule has been amended to update the time frame in paragraph (A) from 7
business days to 14 days to comply with amended section 3123.031 of the Revised
Code. This rule is authorized by ORC
section 3125.25, and amplifies ORC sections 3123.031, 3123.033, 3123.04, and 3123.21. |
Final And Enforceable Determination
Of Default
This rule describes when a final
and enforceable determination of default exists. The rule has been amended to
update the time frame in paragraph (A) from 7 business days to 14 days to comply
with amended sections 3123.031, 3123.04, and 3123.05 of the ORC. This rule is authorized by ORC
section 3125.25, and amplifies ORC sections 3123.032, 3123.04, 3123.05, and 3123.06 |
Investigation Of An Account,
Imposing An Access Restriction, And Releasing An Access Restriction
This rule describes the procedures
that the CSEA is required to follow when it investigates an account, imposes an
access restriction, or releases an access restriction. Changes from the
existing rule include: - clarified the language
in paragraph (A) to comply with amended section 3123.25 of the ORC;
- moved the provisions
from paragraph (C) of existing OAC rule 5101:12‑55‑10 to paragraph (A) of this
- added language requiring
the CSEA to document the findings of the investigation;
- added language requiring
the CSEA to issue the JFS 04018 as an attachment to the JFS 04050 and JFS 04055
to comply with the federal “Dear Colleague Letter” 13-06; and
- replaced the term
“SSI benefits” with “protected benefits.”
This rule is authorized by ORC
section 3125.25, and amplifies ORC sections 3123.25, 3123.26, and 3123.27 |
Administrative And Court Hearings
For Ownership Interest In An Account
This rule describes the administrative
hearing procedures that the CSEA is required to follow as well as the court process
when the joint account owner requests an administrative or court hearing. The
rule has been amended to update the time frame from 10 days to 14 days to comply
with amended sections 3123.30, 3123.31, 3123.34, and 3123.35 of the Revised Code. This rule is authorized by ORC
section 3125.25 and amplifies ORC sections 3123.29, 3123.30, 3123.31, 3123.32,
3123.33, 3123.34, 3123.35, and 3123.36. |
Issuing A Withdrawal Directive
This rule describes the procedures
that the CSEA is required to follow when it issues a withdrawal directive to a
financial institution. Changes from the existing rule include: added language
requiring the CSEA to issue the JFS 04018 as an attachment to the JFS 04055 to
comply with the federal “Dear Colleague Letter” 13-06; and moved the provisions
from paragraph (C) of existing OAC rule 5101:12‑55‑10 to paragraph (C) of this
rule. This rule is authorized by ORC
section 3125.25 and amplifies ORC sections 3123.28, 3123.32, 3123.36, and 3123.37. |
Lien Levy and Execution
This rule describes the process
that the CSEA shall use when it decides to execute on a lien on personal or real
property of an obligor that has been asserted by the CSEA in accordance with rule
5101:12‑55‑20 of the Administrative Code. The rule has been amended to remove
the language in paragraph E(3)(c) and (d) as the amended section 3123.72 of
ORC has removed these provisions. This rule is authorized by ORC
section 3125.25 and amplifies ORC sections 3123.71, 3123.72, 3123.73, 3123.74,
3123.75, 3123.76, and 3123.78. |
Chapter 55 Forms – Enforcement
of the Support Order Based on Finding of Default
This rule contains a compilation
of forms with their effective or revised effective date, referenced within various
rules contained within division 5101:12 of the Administrative Code, but first
cited within Chapter 5101:12-55 of the Administrative Code. The rule is being
revised to update the effective date of the JFS 04049, JFS 04052, JFS 04054,
JFS 07083. This rule is authorized by ORC
section 3125.25; and amplifies ORC sections 3125.03 and 3125.25. |
OCS has revised the following forms:
Form Title
Prior Effective Date of Form
Revision Date
JFS 04049
Notice To Obligor Of Default
And Potential Action
This form has been revised
to comply with SB 70; revised the time frame from 7 business days to 14 days to
comply with amended sections 3123.031and 3123.04 of the Revised Code (ORC);
made formatting changes to comply with IPP 4301 and SETs formatting requirements;
made some language changes for clarity, including adding language concerning
the gaming winnings such as lottery and casino, and insurance awards/claims.
JFS 04052
Notice To Person, Other Than
Child Support Obligor, Having Ownership Interest In An Account
This form has been revised to
comply with SB 70; revised the time frame from 10 days to 14 days to comply with
amended sections 3123.30 and 3123.31 of the ORC; made formatting changes to comply
with IPP 4301 and SETs formatting requirements.
JFS 04054
Notice Of Determination On Amount
Of Ownership
This form has been revised to
comply with SB 70; revised the time frame from 10 days to 14 days to comply with
amended sections 3123.34 and 3123.35 of the ORC; made formatting changes to comply
with IPP 4301 and SETs formatting requirements.
JFS 07083
Notice To Obligor Regarding
Default And 20% Payment On Arrears
This form has been revised to
comply with SB 70; revised the time frame from 7 days to 14 days to comply with
amended sections 3123.031, 3123.04 and 3123.05 of the ORC; made formatting changes
to comply with IPP 4301 and SETs formatting requirements.
When the CSPMTL is published, the CSPM will be updated as follows:
- A rescinded rule will be moved from the CSPM to the
OAC Archive section of the eManuals.
- An adopted rule will be inserted
- An amended rule will be inserted and the previous
version will be moved to the OAC Archive section of the eManuals.
- A revised form will be replaced with the amended
The rules and forms in the CSPM can be accessed at:
Paragraph (I)(1) of OAC rule 5101:12-1-01 states that, whenever a
program change requires modification of local procedures, the CSEA is required to
revise its internal procedural handbook and submit the revision to OCS within thirty
days of the revision. The CSEA should carefully review the amended rules contained
in this CSPMTL to determine whether they require the CSEA to update its internal
procedural handbook.