The Office of Child Support (OCS) has amended the following rules. The rules have been reviewed in accordance with section 106.031 of the Revised Code, which requires the review of all state agency rules within a five-year period.
Amended Rule | Amended Rule Title | Prior Effective Date of Rule | Effective Date of Amendment |
5101:12‑45‑25 | Monthly administration of support orders | 6/15/2006 | 3/1/17 |
This rule describes the requirement and process for the child support enforcement agency (CSEA) to administer support orders on a monthly basis. Changes from the existing rule include clarifying language in paragraphs (A), (B)(1) and (B)(3). This rule is authorized by ORC sections 3125.25; and amplifies ORC sections 3121.28, 3121.51, 3121.52, 3121.53 and 3121.54.
5101:12‑50‑45 | Enforcing a court support order through the United States district courts | 1/1/2007 | 3/1/17 |
This rule describes the process a child support enforcement agency (CSEA) may use to enforce an Ohio court support order against a non-custodial parent through the United States district courts. The change made from the existing rule includes updating the form effective date language. This rule is authorized by ORC section 3125.25; and amplifies ORC sections 3125.03 and 3125.11.
5101:12‑50‑50 | Judicial enforcement actions | 3/1/2012 | 3/1/17 |
This rule describes judicial enforcement actions that a child support enforcement agency (CSEA) with administrative responsibility is required to or may take in addition to other enforcement actions. The rule is being revised to clarify language in paragraph (B). This rule is authorized by ORC section 3125.25; and amplifies ORC sections 1336.01, 1336.02, 1336.03, 1336.04, 1336.05, 1336.06, 1336.07, 1336.08, 1336.09, 1336.10, 1336.11, 2117.06, 2705.031, 2919.21, 3123.14, 3123.15, 3123.182 and 3123.19.
5101:12‑50‑65 | Office of child support poster program | 2/1/2014 | 3/1/17 |
This rule describes the requirement the office of child support (OCS) has to establish a poster program and the requirements within the program. The rule is being revised to the following: per statute, adding the requirement in paragraph (A) that OCS shall establish a program and correcting "may" to "shall" use funds appropriated by the general assembly to conduct an OCS poster program, added paragraph (H), reworded paragraph (I) to state that the CSEA shall notify the obligor of their selection on the poster and request the obligee to verify the information on the JFS 07023. Also, in paragraph (I), corrected the effective date language for the form reference by adding the word "effective." This rule is authorized by ORC section 3125.25; and amplifies ORC sections 3123.95, 3123.951, 3123.952, 3123.953, 3123.954, 3123.955, 3123.956, 3123.957 and 3123.958.
5101:12‑50‑65.1 | Child support enforcement agency poster program | 12/1/2006 | 3/1/17 |
This rule describes a poster program that the child support enforcement agency (CSEA) may establish and the requirements of the program if they choose to establish one. The rule is being revised to update the form effective date language in paragraph (C) and changing some of the word tenses. This rule is authorized by ORC section 3125.25; and amplifies ORC sections 3123.96 and 3123.962.
When the CSPMTL is published, the CSPM will be updated as follows:
- An amended rule will be inserted and the previous version will be moved to the OAC Archive section of the eManuals.
The rules and forms in the CSPM can be accessed at:
Paragraph (I)(1) of OAC rule 5101:12-1-01 states that, whenever a program change requires modification of local procedures, the CSEA is required to revise its internal procedural handbook and submit the revision to OCS within thirty days of the revision. The CSEA should carefully review the amended rules contained in this CSPMTL to determine whether they require the CSEA to update its internal procedural handbook.