The Office of Child Support (OCS) has filed the following rules with no changes. The rules have been reviewed in accordance with section 106.031 of the Revised Code, which requires the review of all state agency rules within a five-year period. The effective date of the "no change" rules will remain the same as the existing rules.
Rule | Rule Title | Effective Date |
5101:12‑20‑05 | Location of an individual for support enforcement program purposes | 6/15/2006 |
This rule describes the requirements a child support enforcement agency (CSEA) must follow for the location of an individual for the purpose of providing support enforcement program services. This rule is authorized by ORC section 3125.25; and amplifies ORC sections 3125.03, 3125.06, and 3125.08.
5101:12‑20‑05.1 | Location tools | 7/1/2013 |
This rule describes that a CSEA is required to access Support Enforcement Tracking System (SETS) to perform all locate functions or access child support enforcement network (CSENet) when applicable to request information from another state. This rule is authorized by ORC section 3125.25; and amplifies ORC section 3125.03
5101:12‑20‑05.2 | State parent locator service | 3/1/2012 |
This rule describes the automated location sources that are accessed through state parent locator service (SPLS). This rule is authorized by ORC section 3125.25; and amplifies ORC section 3125.03
OCS has amended the following rules. The rules have been reviewed in accordance with section 106.031 of the Revised Code, which requires the review of all state agency rules within a five-year period.
Amended Rule | Amended Rule Title | Prior Effective Date of Rule | Effective Date of Amendment |
5101:12‑20‑05.3 | Federal parent locator service | 6/15/2006 | 1/1/2017 |
This rule describes the automated location sources that are accessed through the federal parent locator service (FPLS). The rule has been revised to correct a typo in paragraph (C)(6). This rule is authorized by ORC sections 3125.08 and 3125.25; and amplifies ORC sections 3125.03, 3125.08, and 4141.22.
5101:12‑20‑10 | Location for parental kidnapping, child custody, and visitation purposes | 3/1/2012 | 1/1/2017 |
This rule describes the use of the FPLS to locate an individual for parental kidnapping, child custody, or visitation purposes; and the procedures a CSEA shall follow upon receipt of a request to use FPLS for this purpose. Changes from the existing rule include: corrected the link to the federal website in paragraph (A); and corrected a typo in paragraph (H)(3). This rule is authorized by ORC section 3125.25; and amplifies ORC sections 3125.03, 3125.06, and 3125.24.
5101:12‑60‑45 | Continuation of support obligation beyond the child's eighteenth birthday | 1/1/2007 | 1/1/2017 |
This rule describes when the duty of support continues beyond the age of eighteen. The rule clarifies that the parental duty of support ends upon the child's eighteenth birthday except under three circumstances, describes the three circumstances, and identifies which two of the three circumstances require the parental duty of child support to not extend beyond the child's nineteenth birthday. The rule has been revised to correct the ORC reference in the supplemental information section under the "Rule Amplifies" line. This rule is authorized by ORC section 3125.25; and amplifies ORC section 3119.86.
When the CSPMTL is published, the CSPM will be updated as follows:
- An amended rule will be inserted and the previous version will be moved to the OAC Archive section of the eManuals.
- A no change rule will continue with the same effective date.
The rules and forms in the CSPM can be accessed at:
Paragraph (I)(1) of OAC rule 5101:12-1-01 states that, whenever a program change requires modification of local procedures, the CSEA is required to revise its internal procedural handbook and submit the revision to OCS within thirty days of the revision. The CSEA should carefully review the amended rules contained in this CSPMTL to determine whether they require the CSEA to update its internal procedural handbook.