Appendix A - Verification
of High School Education
Appendix B - Education
and Training Requirements for Family Child Care Providers
Appendix C - Written
Information for Parents and Employees
Appendix D - Family
Child Care Parent Information
(A)What are the
requirements to be a licensed family child care provider?
The family child care provider shall:
(1)The family child care provider is to:
(1)(a) Be at least eighteen years old, and for those
type B certified or licensed after April 1, 2003, have completed a high school
education. Verification of high school education is detailed in appendix A to
this rule.
(2)(b) Meet the training or education requirements
detailed in appendix B to this rule.
(c)Have written documentation on file of
current immunization against tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (Tdap) from a
licensed physician as defined in Chapter 4731. of the Revised Code, physician's
assistant, advanced practice nurse, certified nurse midwife, certified nurse
practitioner or licensed pharmacist. The provider may be exempt from the
immunization requirement for religious reasons with written documentation
signed by the individual and for medical reasons with written documentation
signed by a licensed physician.
(3)(d) Reside in the home where the care is being
(e)Provide a safe, healthy environment when
child care services are being provided.
(f)Not be involved in any activities that
interfere with the care of the children. This includes not being involved in
other employment during the operating hours of the family child care home.
(4)Not have had any child removed from his
or her home due to abuse or neglect caused by the provider pursuant to section
2151.353 of the Revised Code.
(5)Not have a prohibited offense as
required by rule 5101:2-13-09 of the Administrative Code.
(6)Provide a safe, healthy environment when
child care services are being provided. The provider or anyone in the family
child care home including any child care staff members shall not:
(a)Demonstrate physical or mental
conditions potentially harmful to children.
(b)Be under the influence of alcohol or
other drugs while child care is being provided.
(2)The provider and anyone in the family
child care home, including any child care staff members is not to:
(a)Demonstrate physical or mental
conditions potentially harmful to children.
(b)Be under the influence of alcohol or
other drugs while child care is being provided.
(7)Not be involved in any activities which interfere
with the care of the children. This includes not being involved in other
employment during the operating hours of the family child care home.
(8)(3) The provider is toCompletecomplete only one
of the following:
(a)Obtain and
maintain liability insurance that insures the family child care provider
against liability arising out of, or in connection with, the operation of the
family child care home.
(i)The liability
insurance shall cover any cause for which the family child care home would be
liable, in the amount of at least one hundred thousand dollars per occurrence
and three hundred thousand dollars in the aggregate.
(ii)Proof of
insurance shall be maintained at the home.
(iii)If the family
child care provider is not the owner of the home where the family child care
home is located and the provider obtains liability insurance described in this
rule, the provider shall name the owner of the property as an additional
insured party on the liability insurance policy if all of the following apply:
(a)The owner
requests the provider in writing to add the owner to the liability insurance
policy as an additional insured party.
(b)The addition of
the owner does not result in cancellation or nonrenewal of the insurance
(c)The owner pays
any additional premium assessed for coverage of the owner.
(b)Complete the
JFS 01933 "Liability Insurance Statement for Family Child Care
Providers" (rev. 12/2016) if the family
child care provider is not obtaining liability insurance and shall provide the
JFS 01933 to the parent of each child receiving care in the home. The JFS 01933
shall be signed and dated by the parent and on file by the child's first day of
(i)If the family
child care provider is not the owner of the home where the family child care
home is in operation, the statement shall also include that the owner of the
home may not provide coverage of any liability arising out of, or in connection
with, the operation of the family child care home.
(ii)The JFS 01933
shall be kept on file at the home.
(B)What are the responsibilities of theon-going
requirements to be a licensed family child care provider?
The family child care provider shallis to:
(1)Be onsiteon-site a minimum
of seventy-five per cent of the operating hours per week. The provider may
request a short-term exemption from this requirement from the county agency.
(2)Post the provider's scheduled hours of availability to meet with parents in a noticeable location place for parents.
(3)Make available
the current licensing rules to all staff and parents. The rules may be made
available via paper copy or electronically.
(4)Upon request,
provide a parent with any information necessary for the parent to compile child
care related expenses for income tax preparation, including tax identification
(5)Be responsible
for the creation, maintenance and implementation of the policies and procedures
detailed in appendix C to this rule. A copy of these policies and procedures
shall be available on-site at the home. Nothing in these
policies is to conflict with Chapter 5104. of the Revised Code or Chapter
5101:2-13 of the Administrative Code, and if applicable, Chapter 5101:2-16 or
5101:2-17 of the Administrative Code.
(6)Provide the
parent and all employees with the policies and practices in appendix C to this
(7)Provide a copy
of appendix D to this rule to the parents of children enrolled in the home.
(8)Notify the county agencyUpdate
in the Ohio child licensing and quality system (OCLQS) no later than the next business dayfive
calendar days of any change in the household composition including
someone joining the household or leaving the household
as well as anyone staying in the home for more than ten consecutive calendar
(9)Notify the county agency no later than
the next business day of anyone temporarily staying in the home for more than
five consecutive calendar days.
(10)(9)Be responsible for all information
provided to the county agency or the Ohio department of
job and family services (ODJFS) including
information provided by a substitute, child care
staff member, employee, administrator or resident
of the home.
(11) Have available on-site a written list of
all employees including their dates of hire, positions and scheduled hours.
(10) Cooperate with other government agencies
as necessary to maintain compliance with Chapter 5101:2-13 of the
Administrative Code.
(12)(11)Submit to the county agency an updated
JFS 01174 "Adjudicated a delinquent child statement" (rev. 10/2017) within ten business days if a child
residing in the home is adjudicated a delinquent child.
(13)(12)Ensure that no employee, licensee or
child care staff member discriminates in the enrollment of children upon the
basis of race, color, religion, sex, disability, or national origin.
(13) Ensure compliance with Chapter 5104. of
the Revised Code and Chapter 5101:2-13 of the Administrative Code.
(C)What are the Ohio professional registry
(OPR) and documentation responsibilities for the licensed family child care
The family child care provider is to:
(1)Create or update their individual
profile in the OPR.
(2)Create or update the program's
organization dashboard in the OPR.
(3)Ensure that all employees and child care
staff members complete the following in the OPR:
(a)Create or update their individual
profile in the OPR.
(b)Create an employment record in the OPR
for the program on or before their first day of employment, including date of
(c)Update changes to positions or roles in
the OPR within five calendar days of a change.
(4)Update the program's organization
dashboard in the OPR within five calendar days of a change for employees and
child care staff members of the program, including:
(a)Scheduled days and hours.
(b)Group assignments, if applicable.
(c)The end date of employment.
(5)Maintain records for each current
employee and child care staff member as required in Chapter 5101:2-13 of the
Administrative Code on file at the home, if not yet verified in the OPR.
(a)Make employment records available upon
request by the county agency or by ODJFS for at least three years after each
person's departure, if not yet verified in the OPR.
(b)Keep employment records confidential,
except when made available to the county agency or ODJFS for the purpose of
administering Chapter 5104. of the Revised Code and Chapter 5101:2-13 of the
Administrative Code.
(6)Ensure that all residents over the age
of eighteen create a profile in the OPR and that the residents complete an
employment record for the family child care provider within five days of
becoming a resident or turning eighteen.
(7)Within five calendar days of a change in
residency, update the program's organization dashboard in the OPR for residents
over the age of eighteen, if applicable.
(C)(D) What if the type B home provider is a foster
The type B home provider shall:
(1)Notify the
county agency and all parents.
(2)Notify the
county agency of all children receiving care within one business day of when
the type B home provider is to begin caring for additional foster children.
(3)Maintain a
written record documenting the date and how the county agency and parents were
notified about foster children in care.
Effective: 10/29/2021
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 7/29/2021 and 10/29/2026
Date: 10/14/2021
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 5104.017, 5104.018, 5104.041
Rule Amplifies: 5107.017, 5104.018, 5104.03, 5104.041, 5104.22
Prior Effective Dates: 04/01/1982, 05/20/1983, 10/01/1983,
09/01/1986, 09/05/1986, 02/15/1988, 05/01/1989, 07/01/1995, 03/15/1996,
10/15/1996, 10/01/1997 (Emer.), 12/30/1997, 01/01/2001, 04/01/2003, 07/01/2003,
01/01/2007, 09/01/2007, 08/14/2008, 09/29/2011, 08/03/2013, 01/01/2014,
12/31/2016, 10/29/2017, 12/01/2019