Child Care Day Camp Rules
5101:2-18-05 Child day camp administrator requirements for an approved child day camp.
Effective Date: April 27, 2023
Most Current Prior Effective Date: December 1, 2019

Appendix A, Written Information for Parents and Employees

Appendix B, Approved Child Day Camp Parent Information

(A)What are the dutiesresponsibilities of the child day camp administrator ofin an approved child day camp?

The child day camp administrator shall:

(1)Be responsible for the daily operation of the approved child day camp and for maintaining compliance with Chapter 5104. of the Revised Code and Chapter 5101:2-18 of the Administrative Code.

(2)Be on-site a minimum of one-half of the hours that the approved child day camp is in operation during the week, or forty hours per week, whichever is less. If there is more than one child day camp administrator, at least one child day camp administrator is to meet this requirement.

(3)Be on-site at least twenty hours per week during the hours of seven a.m. to six p.m., Monday through Friday, for approved child day camps that are in operation on the weekends and/or evenings/overnights, as well as during the week. If there is more than one child day camp administrator, at least one must meet this requirement.

(4)Be responsible for the creation, maintenance and implementation of the policies and procedures detailed in appendix A to this rule. Nothing, ensuring that nothing  in these policies shall conflictconflicts with Chapter 5104. of the Revised Code or Chapter 5101:2-16 or 5101:2-18 of the Administrative Code. AMake available a  copy of these policies and procedures shall be available at the primary use space.

(5)Provide the parents and all employees with the policies and procedures listed in appendix A to this rule.

(6)Provide the information in appendix B to this rule to the parent(s) of children enrolled at the approved child day camp.

(7)Have available on-site a written list of all employees and child day camp staff members, including their dates of hire, positions, scheduled hours, and the names of the groups for which child day camp staff members are responsible.

(8)Complete a professional registry profile for the child day camp administrator through the Ohio professional registry (OPR) at

(9)Ensure that each employee and child day camp staff member is registered in the OPR by the first day of employment.

(10)(7)Ensure that observations are completed for all junior counselors by a child day camp staff member that is in a supervisory role, pursuant to paragraph (B)(3) of rule 5101:2-18-06 of the Administrative Code.

(11)(8)Have a file available on-site for each enrolled child by the child's first day of attendance which shall include:

(a)The child's name, age and birthdate.

(b)Emergency contact names and telephone numbers.

(c)The name, address and telephone number of the child's primary care physician.

(d)A medical care plan if necessary pursuant to paragraph (C) of rule 5101:2-18-11 of the Administrative Code.

(12)(9)Ensure that no administrator, employee, or child day camp staff member discriminates in the enrollment of children upon the basis of race, color, religion, sex, disability, or national origin.

(10)Cooperate with other government agencies as necessary to maintain compliance with Chapter 5101:2-18 of the Administrative Code.

(B)What are the Ohio professional registry (OPR) and documentation responsibilities for a child day camp administrator in an approved child day camp?

The child day camp administrator is to:

(1)Create or update their individual professional registry profile in the OPR at

(2)Create or update the approved child day camp's organization dashboard in the OPR for each approved child day camp in which they are employed as an administrator.

(3)Ensure that all employees and child care staff members complete the following in the OPR:

(a)Create or update their individual profile in the OPR.

(b)Create an employment record in the OPR for the approved child day camp on or before their first day of employment, including date of hire.

(c)Update changes to positions or roles in the OPR within five calendar days of the change.

(4)Update the approved child day camp's organization dashboard in the OPR within five calendar days of a change for employees and child day camp staff members of the program, including:

(a)Scheduled days and hours.

(b)Group assignments, if applicable.

(c)The end date of employment.

(5)Maintain records on-site for each current employee and child day camp staff member as outlined in Chapter 5101:2-18 of the Administrative Code, if not yet verified in the OPR.

(a)Make employment records available upon request by ODJFS for at least three years after each person's departure, if not verified in the OPR.

(b)Keep employment records confidential except when made available to ODJFS for the purpose of administering Chapter 5104. of the Revised Code and Chapter 5101:2-18 of the Administrative Code.

(B)(C)What if a child day camp administrator is not on the premises?

(1)A child day camp staff member who is at least eighteen years of age shall be designated as the person in charge and be on the premises.

(2)The designated person in charge shall handle all emergencies and have access to all records required by Chapters 5101:2-16 and 5101:2-18 of the Administrative Code.

Effective: 4/27/2023

Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 2/9/2023 and 04/27/2028


Date: 04/17/2023

Promulgated Under: 119.03

Statutory Authority: 5104.21, 5104.22

Rule Amplifies: 5104.21, 5104.22

Prior Effective Dates: 04/16/2018, 12/01/2019