(A)What programs qualify for a desk
Programs who are eligible pursuant to
rule 5101:2-17-02 of the Administrative Code and have submitted a completed
(B)How is the bronze, silver, or gold
rating awarded?
(1)The program is not to be awarded a
rating higher than was confirmed by the program during the registration
(2)A program is not to be awarded a
rating, or a lower rating may be assessed, if at the desk review or on-site
verification visit the program does not meet the standards for the rating the
program confirmed at registration.
(C)How is a deferral issued?
(1)A deferral may be issued at the
conclusion of the electronic or on-site verification visit if the program
cannot demonstrate it is meeting the standards.
(2)If the program cannot meet the deferral
requirement within the time frame given, a lesser rating may be awarded.
(D)When is a program's bronze, silver, or
gold rating effective?
The rating award of bronze, silver, or
gold is to be effective:
(1)The Sunday following the thirtieth day
after the completion of the on-site verification visit.
(2)If a deferral was issued, the Sunday
following the thirtieth day after the end of the deferral period.
(3)The Sunday following the thirtieth day
after the focused review or the deferral due date.
(4)The Sunday following approval or
license begin date, whichever is later, after:
(a)The desk review;
(b)A rating is awarded pursuant to
paragraph (G) of this rule.
(E)How long does a rating award last?
A program's rating award will be
continuous from their effective date except for programs with specialized
ratings. Programs wishing to change their rating are to submit an ongoing
(F)When does a program receive a full
on-site verification visit to review all quality standards?
(1)A bronze rated program will receive a
full on-site verification visit every other year.
(2)A silver or gold rated program will
receive a full on-site verification visit every three years.
(G)What are the requirements to obtain a
specialized rating if a program owner, with multiple rated programs, wants to
have a new program's rating expedited?
(1)The program is to request the rating in
the Ohio child licensing and quality system (OCLQS) at
https://oclqs.my.site.com during the application process or within the first
thirty days of the provisional license period.
(2)The program's owner is to own multiple
licensed programs that include the following:
(a)At least fifty per cent of the owner's
programs are rated a bronze, silver, or gold; and
(b)Two or more of the programs are rated a
silver or gold.
(3)The rating awarded is equal to the
lowest rating of the silver and gold rated program if the program meets the
(a)All administrator and staff
qualifications are to be met pursuant to appendix A to rule 5101:2-17-01 of the
Administrative Code for the rating to be awarded.
(b)The program implements a verified
written, researched-based, comprehensive curriculum and formal child assessment
pursuant to appendix A to rule 5101:2-17-01 of the Administrative Code.
(4)If the program is unable to meet the
requirements of paragraph (G)(3) of this rule, a lesser rating may be awarded.
(5)In order to continue the bronze,
silver, or gold rating, the program is to:
(a)Submit an ongoing registration within
one hundred twenty days of the rating begin date; and
(b)Comply with a desk review including
documents returned for revision and the on-site verification visit.
(6)If the new program fails to comply with
paragraph (G)(5) of this rule, the rating is to be discontinued one hundred
twenty days after the rating begin date.
(H)What are the requirements to continue a
rating if the program's owner changes?
(1)An initial program applicant may be
awarded a bronze, silver, or gold rating when the owner is changing if the
following requirements are met:
(a)The bronze, silver, or gold rating has
been awarded for the previous thirteen months.
(b)The new program requests the rating in
OCLQS during the application process or within the first thirty days of the
provisional license period.
(2)The bronze, silver, or gold rating
award is to equal the current rating if the program meets the following:
(a)All administrator and staff
qualifications are to be met pursuant to appendix A to rule 5101:2-17-01 of the
Administrative Code for the rating to be awarded.
(b)The program implements a verified
written, researched-based, comprehensive curriculum and formal child assessment
pursuant to appendix A to rule 5101:2-17-01 of the Administrative Code as set
forth by the verification process.
(3)If the program is unable to meet all of
the requirements of paragraph (H)(2) of this rule, a lesser rating may be
(4)In order to continue the rating, the
program is to:
(a)Submit an ongoing registration within
one hundred twenty days of the rating begin date: and
(b)Comply with a desk review including
documents returned for revision and the on-site verification visit.
(5)If the program fails to comply with
paragraph (H)(4) of this rule, the rating is to be discontinued one hundred
twenty days after the rating begin date.
(I)Will the rating continue if a program
changes its location?
Yes the rating will be continued provided
the change is done in accordance with rules 5101:2-12-02, 5101:2-13-02,
3301-37-02, and 3301-32-11 of the Administrative Code.
(J)If a rated family child care provider
with a bronze, silver, or gold changes from a licensed type A home to a
licensed type B home or from a licensed type B home to a licensed type A home,
will the rating continue?
Yes the rating will be continued.
(K)Will the rating be reinstated if a
program was previously rated and the rating was discontinued due to the program
being in temporary closure status for more than one hundred eighty days
pursuant to rule 5101:2-12-02 or 5101:2-13-02 of the Administrative Code?
program's rating will automatically be reinstated to the previous rating when
the license is reactivated. The new rating effective date will be the Sunday
following the Ohio department of children and youth (DCY) approval.
(1)Once the reinstated rating has been
awarded, in order to continue the rating, the program is to:
(a)Submit an ongoing registration within
sixty days of the rating begin date.
(b)Comply with a desk review including
documents returned for revision and the on-site verification visit.
(2)What if the program fails to comply
with paragraph (K)(1) of this rule?
The rating is to be discontinued
sixty-one days after the rating is reinstated.
(L)What if a licensed program is
determined not to be meeting any of the standards outlined in appendix A to
rule 5101:2-17-01 of the Administrative Code?
The program is to:
(1)Comply with any desk reviews or on-site
verification visits.
(2)Submit any documents requested by the
licensing entity.
Replaces: 5101:2-17-03
Effective: 7/7/2024
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 07/07/2029
Date: 06/24/2024
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 5104.29
Rule Amplifies: 5104.29, 5104.31
Prior Effective Dates: 10/01/2013, 07/20/2014, 05/24/2015,
09/28/2015, 06/26/2016, 12/31/2016, 01/06/2019, 03/29/2020