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Child Care Chapter 17: Step Up to Quality (SUTQ)
5101:2-17-01 "Step Up To Quality" (SUTQ): Program Definitions and Standards
Effective Date: July 7, 2024
Most Current Prior Effective Date: January 6, 2019

Appendix A - Step Up To Quality

(A)What are the step up to quality (SUTQ)SUTQ definitions for the purposes of implementing Chapter 5101:2-17 of the Administrative Code?

(1)"Administrator" means the following:

(a)Ohio department of job and family services (ODJFS) licensed A child care center administrator as described in rule 5101:2-12-07 of the Administrative Code.

(b)ODJFS licensed A family child care provider as described in rule 5101:2-13-07 of the Administrative Code.

(c)Ohio department of education (ODE) licensed preschool A director as defined in rule 3301-37-01 of the Administrative Code.

(d)An administrator as defined in rule 3301-32-01 of the Administrative Code.

(d)ODE licensed staff member as described in rule 3301-32-02 of the Administrative Code.

(2)"Approved related fields" means the following:

(a)Early childhood education teacher approved related fields include: early childhood education, child development, family studies, human ecology, human development, child and family community studies, elementary education, early intervention (ECE or special education), elementary, middle or secondary education, physical education, elementary intervention, and school counselor, or other degrees as approved by ODJFS and ODE the Ohio department of children and youth (DCY).

(b)Approved related child development fields include psychology, and recreation management if twelve semester or eighteen quarter hours of child development coursework, with a grade of C or better from an accredited institution of higher education, is completed.

(3)"Assistant teacher" means a child care care staff member who works under the supervision of a lead teacher. Assistant teachers may work independently in a lead teacher's absence, but for the majority of time the assistant teacher works directly with the lead teacher in the same space with the same children.

(4)"Child care staff" means:

(a)ODJFS licensed A child care center staff member as described in rule 5101:2-12-08 of the Administrative Code.

(b)ODJFS licensed A family child care provider staff member as described in rule 5101:2-13-08 of the Administrative Code.

(c)ODE licensed A preschool staff member and lead teacher , head teacher, teacher, and non-teaching employee as defined in rule 3301-37-01 of the Administrative Code.

(d)A staff member as described in rule 3301-32-03 of the Administrative Code.

(5)"Family child care provider" means:

(a)ODJFS licensed type Licensed type A home provider.

(b)ODJFS licensed type Licensed type B home provider.

(6)"Instructional time" means the time the group spends with the lead teacher each day, excluding nap or rest time.

(a)The lead teacher shallis to interact with children a minimum of three and one-half hours daily for at least half the days of each week the program operates.

(b)If a group requires two or more child care staff members to meet ratio, there shallis to be a lead teacher and an assistant teacher present. Co-lead teachers may be used to meet this requirement.

(c)The assistant or co-lead teacher shallis to meet this requirement the other days of the week.

(d)If a program or group operates less than three and one-half hours daily, the lead teacher shallis to be present for the entire day time the group is in session or entire time group operates.

(e)School-age programs shall are to have a lead teacher for the duration of either a total of three and one-half hours, the complete before school session, or the complete after school session. On non-school days, the program shallis to meet the three and one-half hour requirement as stated in paragraph (A)(7) to this rule.

(7)"Lead teacher" means the adult who has primary responsibility for the group of children. The lead teacher shallis to meet the three and one-half hour minimum instruction time daily, not including nap or rest, for more than half of the days in operation each week. The lead teacher is responsible for activity planning and implementing the curriculum and child assessment requirements related to the current star rating level.

(8)"Program" means any of the following licensed:

(a)Family child care provider.

(b)ODJFS licensed child Child care center.

(c)ODE licensed preschool Preschool program.

(d)ODE licensed school School child program.

(9)"Substitute" means the following:

(a)A child care staff member who replaces an assigned staff member for fewer than ninety days.

(b)What if the substitute is providing care for more than ninety days?

The substitute shall is to become the lead teacher or assistant and meet the requirements of the lead or assistant pursuant to this chapter.

(B)What are the standards that shallare to be met to be star ratedawarded bronze, silver or gold?

(1)The program shallis to comply with the desk review and the any on-site verification visit.

(2)ODJFS licensed child care centers, ODE licensed preschools and ODE licensed school child Licensed programs shallare to meet all of the standards listed in appendix A to this rule for the rating requested at registration and maintain the standards on an ongoing basis for the star rating requested at registration as listed in appendices A, B, C, and D to this rule.

(3)Family child care providers shall meet all of the standards for the star rating requested at registration as listed in appendices E, F, G and H to this rule.

(4)Programs who register for a four or five-star rating may be awarded points based on the verification of the three-star rating requirements and their ability to earn additional points as outlined in appendices D and H to this rule.

(5)A program shall obtain at least one point in each of the following domains in order to achieve a four or five-star rating:

(a)Learning and development.

(b)Administrative and leadership practices.

(c)Staff qualifications and professional development.

(d)Family and community partnerships.

(6)How many points shall be earned to achieve a four-star rating?

(a)ODJFS licensed child care centers and ODE licensed preschool or licensed school child programs shall score thirty-five to fifty-five points. Points are indicated in appendix D to this rule.

(b)Family child care providers shall score thirty to forty-five points. Points are indicated in appendix H to this rule.

(7)How many points shall be earned to achieve a five-star rating?

(a)ODJFS licensed child care centers, ODE licensed preschools and licensed school child programs shall score fifty-six to seventy-nine points. Points are indicated in appendix D to this rule.

(b)Family child care providers shall score forty-six to sixty-four points. Points are indicated in appendix H to this rule.

Effective: 7/7/2024

Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 4/18/2024 and 07/07/2029


Date: 06/24/2024

Promulgated Under: 119.03

Statutory Authority: 5104.29

Rule Amplifies: 5104.29

Prior Effective Dates: 07/01/2009, 08/01/2010, 11/10/2011, 10/01/2013, 07/20/2014, 09/28/2015, 06/26/2016, 12/31/2016, 01/06/2019