(A)What is the re-determination
Annually, a caretaker receiving publicly funded child care shall
submit a re-determination application, household income verification and supporting
documentation for any changes to the county agency for the re-determination of on-going
(B)What is the responsibility
of the county agency in the re-determination process?
In the event a caretaker requests a copy of the JFS 01124 "Redetermination
Application for Child Care Benefits" (rev. 10/2017)
(rev. 12/2018) the county agency shall provide
both of the following:
(1)The JFS 01124;
(2)The voter registration
application pursuant to rule 5101:2-16-35 of the Administrative Code.
(3)Re-determine eligibility
by the last day of the current eligibility period.
(a)If the county agency
determines the caretaker is eligible for benefits for a new eligibility period,
the new period shall begin on the date following the last day of the current eligibility
period. The county agency shall provide notice of approval for benefits using the
JFS 04074 "Notice of Approval of Your Application for Assistance" (rev.
9/2011) or its computer-generated equivalent.
(b)If the county agency
determines the caretaker is ineligible for benefits for a new eligibility period,
the county agency shall provide notice of denial of the application for benefits
using the JFS 07334 "Notice of Denial of Your Application for Assistance"
(rev. 9/2011) or its computer-generated equivalent. The eligibility shall end on
the last day of the current eligibility period.
(4)Propose termination
of benefits using the JFS 04065 "Prior Notice of Right to a State Hearing"
(rev. 5/2001) or its computer-generated equivalent if the caretaker fails to submit
a JFS 01124 and all required supporting documentation fifteen calendar days prior
to the end of the current eligibility period.
Effective: 12/16/2018
Five Year Review (FYR) Dates: 1/1/2020
Date: 12/06/2018
Promulgated Under: 119.03
Statutory Authority: 5104.34, 5104.38
Rule Amplifies: 5104.30, 5104.38, 5104.34, 5104.341
Prior Effective Dates: 01/09/2015, 09/28/2015, 06/26/2016, 10/01/2017