Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) is a voluntary rating system for licensed child care programs in Ohio. The goal of the SUTQ initiative is to improve the quality of early care and education programs in order to support children's optimal development and learning. The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) is adopting the following rules and forms for SUTQ. These rules and forms will be effective April 30, 2009.
The following is a summary of the rules and forms:
Rule 5101:2-17-01 Application and eligibility for Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) and appendices is a new rule that outlines the application and eligibility requirements licensed child care centers (programs) need to meet to participate in SUTQ.
Rule 5101:2-17-02 Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) Verification Visits is a new rule that outlines the components of the verification visit process and timelines and instances when programs shall notify ODJFS due to changes.
Rule 5101:2-17-03 Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) Appeals is a new rule that describes the appeal process and methods programs use to appeal to ODJFS Bureau of Child Care and Development.
JFS 01551 "Step Up to Quality On-site Verification Report" has been revised to include current requirements for programs at each step level.
JFS 01557 "Quality Achievement Award Verification for Step Up to Quality" has been made obsolete.
JFS 01558 "Specialized Training Worksheet for Step Up to Quality" is a new form for providers and Step Up To Quality Licensing Specialists to use to track pre-requisites and completed specialized training hours.
JFS 01559 "Step Up to Quality Specialized Training Pre-requisite Certificate of Completion" is a certificate issued to child care staff to verify the completion of the required specialized training pre-requisites.
JFS 01560 "Verification Visit Process Assessment for Step Up to Quality" is a new form for administrators and Step Up To Quality Licensing Specialists to complete at the end of a verification visit to verify that specific procedures were completed as required.
JFS 01563 "Appeal Request for Step Up To Quality" is a new form programs shall use to request an appeal.
The electronic version of the Child Care Manual is located at: The manual contains all rules, forms, transmittal letters and procedure letters that the department has issued for step up to quality. A current version of this manual should be utilized by all providers in all licensed child care centers, licensed type A homes and type B homes that are certified by the county Department of Job and Family Services. A current and updated copy of the manual should be accessible at all times to all providers.
Please contact the Help Desk for the Office for Children and Families at 1-866-886-3537, option 4 if you have any questions.
CCM Rules | | 5101:2‑17‑01 and Appendices
5101:2‑17‑02 5101:2‑17‑03 |
Child Care Forms | JFS 01551 (Rev. 5/2007) | JFS 01551 (Rev. 4/2009) |
| JFS 01557 (Rev. 5/2007) | |
| | JFS 01558 (4/2009) |
| | JFS 01559 (4/2009) |
| | JFS 01560 (4/2009) |
| | JFS 01563 (4/2009) |
Transmittal Letters | | CCMTL No. 96 |