CCMTL 93 (2-12-37, 2-13-37, and JFS 01234, eff. 2/1/09)
Child Care Manual Transmittal Letter No. 93
January 12, 2009
TO: All Child Care Manual Holders
FROM: Jan Allen, Interim Director
SUBJECT: Amendment of Child Care Center and Type A Home Rules and Enrollment Form

This letter transmits amendments to two rules and a form for Ohio's licensed child care centers and type A homes. The JFS 01234 "Child Enrollment and Health Information For Licensed Child Care Centers and Type A Homes" has been revised to clarify information provided by the parent or guardian in regard to a child's current health or medical status. The revised rules and form will be effective February 1, 2009.

The following is a summary of the rules and form revisions:

Rule 5101:2-12-37 Children's Medical and Enrollment Records for Licensed Child Care Centers has been amended to change the revision date of the JFS 01234, to include those children attending kindergarten at the center to have verification of a medical exam on file at the center, to add an immunization waiver to the medical statement and to add advanced practice nurse and remove certified nurse practitioner to the list of medical professionals who can complete the medical statement. The certified nurse practitioner is a type of advanced practice nurse. The appendix has been amended to reflect the current recommended immunization schedule by the Ohio Department of Health. Children enrolled in kindergarten at a center who are not also attending a public or private school kindergarten shall have a medical on file at the center by September 1, 2009 or within thirty days of the child's date of admission, whichever is later.

Rule 5101:2-13-37 Children's Medical and Enrollment Records for Licensed Type A Homes has been amended to change the revision date of the JFS 01234, to add an immunization waiver to the medical statement, and to add advanced practice nurse and remove certified nurse practitioner to the list of medical professionals who can complete the medical statement. The certified nurse practitioner is a type of advanced practice nurse. The appendix has been amended to reflect the current recommended immunization schedule by the Ohio Department of Health.

JFS 01234 "Child Enrollment and Health Information for Child Care Centers and Type A Homes" has been revised to add permission for the parent roster on the first page, to clarify language regarding the emergency contact, to remove the dentist information, to remove the space to specify for a hospital/clinic under emergency transport section and to revise the allergy, medical and health section to assist parents in providing accurate information. In addition, sections have been added for the handbook acknowledgement, diapering statement and for the administrator or their designee to review and sign the form. The revised form must be completed and on file at the center or type A home by September 1, 2009 for every child enrolled on or after February 1, 2009. Children who are currently enrolled and have an up to date form on file will need to complete the revised form at the next annual update but no later than February 1, 2010.

The electronic version of the Child Care Manual is located at: The manual contains all rules, forms, transmittal letters and procedure letters that the department has issued to child care providers. A current version of this manual should be utilized by all providers in all licensed child care centers, licensed type A homes and type B homes that are certified by the county Department of Job and Family Services. A current and updated copy of the manual should be accessible at all times to all providers.

Please contact the Help Desk for the Office for Children and Families at 1-866-886-3537, option 4 if you have any questions.

INSTRUCTIONS: The following chart identifies the material that needs to be removed from and inserted into the Child Care Manual (CCM).

Licensed Child Care Centers: Chapter 125101:2‑12‑37 and Appendix5101:2‑12‑37 and Appendix
Licensed Type A Family Child Care Homes: Chapter 135101:2‑13‑37 and Appendix5101:2‑13‑37 and Appendix
Child Care FormsJFS 01234 (Rev. 9/2006)JFS 01234 (Rev. 2/2009)
Transmittal Letters CCMTL No. 93