CCMTL 153 (Transitional Child Care Operations Following the Response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic)
Child Care Manual Transmittal Letter No. 153
August 27, 2020
TO: All Child Care Manual Holders, All Child Care Center Manual Holders, All Child Care Day Camp Manual Holders, All Child Care In-Home Aide Manual Holders, All Family Child Care Manual Holders
FROM: Kimberly Hall, Director
SUBJECT: Transitional Child Care Operations Following the Response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic


Effective August 9, 2020, child care programs were permitted to return to ratios and group sizes set forth prior to the COVID-19 pandemic with continued transitional requirements for operating.

New Policy:

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting need for care during school-age remote learning and hybrid models for education, changes in policy are being implemented to allow the licensing of temporary pandemic school-age child care centers. Amendments to publicly funded child care provider responsibilities, payment rates, and procedures have been made to include temporary pandemic school-age child care centers and clarification of how publicly funded child care can be provided to school-age children participating in remote or a hybrid school model.

Rule 5101:2-12-02.2 "Transitional Pandemic Requirements for a Licensed Child Care Center" is being emergency filed to clarify transitional pandemic requirements for a licensed child care center: 

  • Remove face shields from list of acceptable face coverings for adults and school-age children unless the individual meets one of the exemptions outlined in the Ohio Department of Health Public Order and guidance.

Rule 5101:2-12-02.3 "Temporary Pandemic School-Age Child Care Centers” creates a new child care license for programs serving only school-age children. This will allow new programs to provide care during school hours on days the child is participating in remote learning. Temporary pandemic school-age child care centers shall follow all of the licensing requirements of Chapter 5101:2-12 with the exceptions and additions detailed in new rule: 

  • Follow all application requirements in rule 5101:2-12-02 of the Administrative Code with a separate timeline for administrator qualifications documentation requirements and food service documentation requirements.
  • Exempt temporary pandemic school age child care centers from the registration fee and change of location.
  • Include the Ohio School-Age Administrator Professional Endorsement as available qualification for temporary pandemic school-age child care center administrators.
  • Clarify inspection requirements for temporary pandemic school-age child care centers.
  • The center shall not provide weekend, evening or overnight care.
  • Children in care at the temporary pandemic school-age child care center are not permitted to go on field trips or participate in swimming or water activities. Programs without on-site outdoor space are permitted to walk to the approved off-site outdoor play space.
  • The temporary pandemic school-age child care center license is valid until the governor of Ohio rescinds the state of emergency or June 30, 2021, whichever occurs first.

Rule 5101:2-13-02.2 "Transitional Pandemic Requirements for a Licensed Family Child Care Provider" is being emergency filed to clarify transitional pandemic requirements for a licensed family child care provider: 

  • Remove face shields from list of acceptable face coverings for adults and school-age children unless the individual meets one of the exemptions outlined in the Ohio Department of Health Public Order and guidance.

Rule 5101:2-14-02.2 "Transitional Pandemic Requirements for In-Home Aide Certification" is being emergency filed to clarify transitional pandemic requirements for a certified in-home aide: 

  • Remove face shields from list of acceptable face coverings for in home aides unless the individual meets one of the exemptions outlined in the Ohio Department of Health Public Order and guidance.

Rule 5101:2-16-09 "Provider Responsibilities for Publicly Funded Child Care" has been amended to: 

  • Allow licensed temporary pandemic school-age child care centers to provide publicly funded child care.
  • Clarify that child care programs must deduct hours a school-age child is in school, including the hours a school-age child would be in school if the parent had the option to send the child to in-person learning, including a hybrid school model, and instead opted for only remote learning.

Rule 5101:2-16-10 "Payment Rates and Procedures for Providers of Publicly Funded Child Care Services” has been amended to: 

  • Clarify that payments for publicly funded child care include time a school-age child is participating in remote learning at a child care center, but not if the parent had the option to send the child to in-person learning, including a hybrid school model, and chose only remote learning.
  • Continue twenty absent days per six-month period.
  • Continue pandemic days if the program is closed by the local or state health department in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rule 5101:2-18-03.1 "Transitional Pandemic Requirements for Approved Child Day Camps" is being emergency filed to clarify transitional pandemic requirements for an approved child day camp: 

  • Remove face shields from list of acceptable face coverings for adults and school-age children unless the individual meets one of the exemptions outlined in the Ohio Department of Health Public Order and guidance.


Please contact the Child Care Policy Helpdesk at 1-877-302-2347, option 4, if you have any questions about the new policy.