Amended Substitute House Bill 64 of the 131st General Assembly created section 5104.015 (Y) and section 5104.017 (CC) of the Ohio Revised Code, which sets forth minimum requirements for instructional time for child care providers through the Step Up To Quality (SUTQ) tiered rating system. Additional revisions are also included to improve clarity.
New Policy:
The following rules will be effective September 28, 2015:
5101:2-17-01 "Step Up To Quality (SUTQ): program standards" is being amended to update the standards for family child care homes and programs to include minimum instructional time requirements and to include the early learning assessment timelines.
5101:2-17-03 "Step Up To Quality (SUTQ): desk reviews, verification visits and star rating awards" is being amended to clarify language pertaining to the determination of a program's rating.
5101:2-17-05 "Step Up To Quality (SUTQ): request for reviews" is being amended to change the appeal process for SUTQ to a review.
JFS 01563(rev. 9/2015) "Request for Review for Step Up To Quality (SUTQ)" has been revised to change the word appeal to request for review.